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Status Replies posted by xmrsmoothx

  1. Super excited about magic plugin :D

  2. So...my current alt character is an 8 year old golem girl who loves to fish. .w.

  3. *reads statuses* Who the heck are the mori? Are they like, the new undead or something?

  4. *reads statuses* Who the heck are the mori? Are they like, the new undead or something?

  5. I believe I will attempt to join the Mori, it sounds fun :D

  6. Noticed we got full cap but still 14th on minestatus. Vote!

  7. I have waisted my life............why carry it on?

  8. You know, I think since so many people are donating to get on, Vaq oughta be able to upgrade hardware enough to bring hte cap to 300 or so.

  9. WTH did my brother do to get himself IP banned?!?!?!? I'm so mad right now! I can write 10000 ban appeals and it doesn't do anything! there has got to be a better way to do this! !

  10. H-hey, uuuuh.... anyone wanna get off so I can get on?

  11. I do enjoy how lazy people dare not to fill out an application for the Illuminus obscurum. I have to admit, it is pretty damn long as an application...

  12. 235/200. I have lost hope in the internet.

  13. I'm done. I don't like how much the forums and server have changed since Spetember. I know this may ruin lots of RP, but I just can't deal with alot of these new people who think they know what's what when they clearly don't. I like the new map, but it's the players who define the game. My firend once told me "The thing that matters most in a game, is not the graphics or content, it's the players" and i'm sticking with this. Bye guys.

  14. People offline complain about the cap. People online complain about the regions. Funny ****

  15. If anyone wants me to, I could probably stream me runnin' around lookin' at stuffs on the new map .w.

  16. EVER SO EXCITE .w.

  17. EVER SO EXCITE .w.

  18. 1) Do NOT update Minecraft. 2) Wait until the server leaves Maintenance mode. 3) You will be re-whitelisted. 4) Be amazed at Asulon

  19. Meh, raise the caps -.-

  20. Meh, raise the caps -.-

  21. Noticing a pattern... The best standard apps are written by people in their twenties... And yet the best villain apps are written by those in their late teens.

  22. Let's do some Science Homework :) Who knows about Carrying Capacity! :D

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