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Posts posted by Sporadic

  1. On 12/18/2017 at 11:31 PM, Boknice275 said:

    Whenever I try to access my third persona slot (which says it is available for use) nothing happens. When I click on it the persona creation interface doesn't come up, nothing does. Others have experienced the same according to what I've heard.



    Should now also be fixed.


    /gmlist and such missing isnt a bug it's due to the removal of Nexus. Tofuus created a new obelisk module for it.

  2. 21 hours ago, Boknice275 said:

    Whenever I try to access my third persona slot (which says it is available for use) nothing happens. When I click on it the persona creation interface doesn't come up, nothing does. Others have experienced the same according to what I've heard.



    Yep this is a display bug unfortunately. If you're below Gold Vip you still get only 2 slots.

  3. 14 hours ago, 2samspan said:


    I've noticed that /help contains info on a lot of mechanics that don't seem to have been discussed before, and are either currently unimplemented or I have not been able to figure them out as of right now. For example, fatigue. The system is supposed to relate to some professions system, but /help professions does not give a list of professions, even though there is a block that is clearly meant to give a list, and none of the previous professions have brought anything up. What exactly might these systems entail when they are implemented?


    Fatigue is just like crafting energy but nothing uses it right now, so you are right there is no point.


    A lot of the help files need updating. We will do this eventually when more pressing concerns are addressed.

  4. 9 hours ago, Man of Respect said:

    /ss isn't working



    Should be fixed.


    7 hours ago, grubgoth_wud said:

     regenning health in 5 secs  w/o hunger loss 


    food taking years to deplete 



    Should be fixed starting next restart (so in about 45 minutes). Let me know if you still experience issues after this please and thank you.

  5. Please answer the following questions to help us better track down the cause of a particular bug:


    **MC Names of all involved**


    <!--- Please give a short description of the issue here -->

    **Date of occurance**
    <!--- Please try to give us as accurate a date as you can recall to the time this bug occurred -->

    **In game specifications**
    <!--- Who are you, what persona were you on at the time of this bug, etc. -->

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    <!--- Provide all the steps necessary to reproduce the problem -->
    1. Step 1
    2. Step 2
    3. Step 3
    4. Step 4

    **Expected Behavior**
    <!--- Tell us what should happen -->

    **Actual Behavior**
    <!--- Tell us what happens instead -->

    **Additional Information**
    <!--- Please provide any additional information here -->

    **Error Message**
    <!--- If you received an error then please post it in the empty space below, -->


  6. 9 minutes ago, Leap1Ghosts said:

    I want to know what your reasoning for this is. This is actually idiotic to keep LC out of the general public's hands, as guilds and other organizations will be getting screwed over with their builds. I expect for this to either be changed, or reworked. Otherwise there will be a lot less quality builds around the world and it will take away from the player's creativity.

    Why though? Please explain why, and if you'll be putting them back in at a later time.


    There are many reasons for not giving out LC but the one most important to me is that LC is fundamentally abusable. Techs spent too much of their time chasing exploits related to LC and the various other plugins we have. And even though we patched it to the best of our abilities it's likely going to cause dupes somewhere down the line again, so we'd rather restrict it to people we can hold accountable.

  7. 8 minutes ago, The Elfen Lie said:

    Alright most notable I want to be changed/added:

    1) soon (depends a bit on how people react to horses) 2)  soon (some of the previous Nexus features are definitely not something we want to go without) 3) Should've made it clear this is sort of a one-off thing because of the new system.


    2 minutes ago, Humanistic said:

    It might be interesting to have the Mineworld be a normal supply of the regular resources and somehow set up a wilderness resource-gathering location that would be higher in supply, but the risk of that is encountering someone else in the region. This would essentially create a way for settlements to battle for greater resources.


    I like this idea. We're looking for new ways to add intrigue to Atlas soon but for now we just want a barebones, simple vanilla setup and see what happens. The power is very much in the players' hands.

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