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Posts posted by Urahra










    We at the La Fleur Production Company have always valued our Adunian actors and donors. Adunians have been part of our theater troupe since the beginning, when a young Calan Stahl-Elendil took a role in our very first production of Lorin + Augustus in 1772. As such, we feel a need to take a stance on the recent anti-Adunian racism that has spread throughout Oren.


    The Courtship of Sarai is a romantic fairy tale exploring the relationship between Harren Horenson, the father of all Adunians, and his elven bride Sarai.


    We view this play as a story of love triumphing over seemingly insurmountable differences - and about the wisdom of respecting people who may at first appear diametrically opposed to you. Dame Yuliya Styrne published the play in 1798. It was originally written as a Tuvmas gift for her longtime friend, patron, and eventual husband - Edward Napier. The fact that a Raevir woman wrote this play as a token of love for her Adunian beau proves to us that we can set aside division and come together as humans, as Canonists, and as Orenians.


    In response to the recent racism leveled against our kilt-clad compatriots, we have decided to stage another showing of our classic play. We intend to use the play as a means to raise awareness about Adunian culture, history, and heritage. 


    Actors and actresses of any race, hair color, eye color, skin color, or gender will be considered for each role. 




    HARREN - The blustery and impetuous son of Horen, who later learns the values of patience, temperance, and humility. For this role, we would strongly prefer actors or actresses of Adunian descent. 


    SARAI - Malin's daughter, the princess of the elves. She is haughty and dismissive of Harren at first, but warms up to him when he shows a more vulnerable and humble side to her.


    MALIN - The king of the elves, a being of immense wisdom with a mysterious and innate knowledge of the world around him. He devises a plan to test Harren, to see if he is worthy of marrying Sarai.


    ELIAVAN - A smirking suitor and secret agent of Malin. He participates in the test to determine Harren's worthiness.


    ELVEN COURTIERS & BARDS - Members of Malin's Court who sing, dance, and play. 




    Director Anthony Bentarus will be holding an OPEN CALL for auditions at the La Fleur Theater on ((Thursday, July 8th)) at ((6pm EST)) before Lady Maisie D'Arkent's Social Season painting class.


    If you cannot make the audition for whatever reason, you may contact Mr. Bentarus for a private audition.




    Who? You - and the members of the La Fleur Production Company!

    What? Auditions for the play The Courtship of Sarai

    Where? The La Fleur Theater in Providence, Oren

    When? ((Thursday, June 8th @ 6pm EST))

    Why? To spread awareness about the growing anti-Adunian racism and provide education about Adunian cultural heritage.




    NGS Providence


    NGS Karosgrad!




    Come & Enjoy

    Three BRAND-NEW Exhibits

    At our NGS Museum Locations in Oren & Haense!




    Journey to the Attenlund Exhibit



    Our museum curators at the NGS Karosgrad museum are proud to announce the opening of a brand new exhibit - JOURNEY to the ATTENLUND!


    Several years ago, explorers from the NGS ventured forth to explore the newly acquired Haeseni territory of the Attenlund. There, they encountered a variety of challenges - from dangerous flora to terrifying swamp demons!


    Are you curious about what they discovered in this brave, untamed wilderness?


    Visit the NGS Karosgrad Museum and uncover the mysteries of the Attenlund! Featuring written pamphlets by explorers and naturalists Dilvyn Deveral, Jade Alcaide, Kallian Syrivir, and more! 




    The Imperial History Collection


    Mysteries of Yong Ping Exhibit



    We are finally ready to unveil our permanent IMPERIAL HISTORY COLLECTION, located at the NGS Providence Museum. This monumental exhibit details the full span of Imperial History - starting from before the Empire's founding and ending with the modern day. The NGS Providence Imperial Exhibit represents one of the most complete efforts to compile Imperial history to date.


    This exhibit features unique, never-before-seen items from throughout the Empire's history, as well as beautifully carved statues representing important Imperial figures. We invite all Orenians to come and familiarize themselves with the qualities that make their Empire such a fascinating place to live! 


    But that's not all!


    Our popular Foreign Cultures exhibit - titled The MYSTERIES of YONG PING - has now made its debut in Providence! Our Mysteries of Yong Ping exhibit features several educational pamphlets illuminating the secrets of the Jade State. Come and see colorful banners as well as rare, hand-made items of Li-Ren and Oyashiman cultural significance!



    The Mysteries of Yong Ping - as well as our new Journey to the Attenlund exhibit - are a part of our NGS AROUND THE WORLD series. Do you have a suggestion for what place our explorers and researchers should visit next? Reach out to us with your proposal! 


    Plan your trip to the NGS Karosgrad Museum & the NGS Providence Museum



  3. 11 hours ago, latte said:


    Its only awkward if you do stuff that will be left unsaid

    latte, why would you imply I do things like that?


    I’m married ooc….. 


    Why is it wrong to prefer to RP with other adults? :/ don’t read gross things into it.

  4. This is just for my own curiosity - and because I like to RP primarily with other people who are in my age-range. Just less awkward that way.


    Post here if you’re age 20+.

    Hi, I’m Urahra and I’m 28. 



    Since people are deciding to read gross things into this and imply I ERP -


    1) I’m married. I resent the implication I would cheat on my husband using mineman. My husband PLAYS ON THIS SERVER. We mineman together. It’s a shared hobby.


    2) Also… adults like to talk to other adults — just like how teens prefer to talk to other teens. You guys really find it weird I prefer adult-age company over the company of teens? Wouldn’t it be weirder if I liked talking to teens more than I liked talking to adults? I’m not trying to ERP. I’m trying to hang out with people my own age who share my RP hobby. 



  5. Anthony Bentarus, the Providence Post Editor-in-Chief, inspects his very Farfolk and not-at-all Adunian features in the glass of a shop window.


    And he feels pride in his accomplishments as an immigrant and proud to be part of a society in which people like him - racial minorities - can find achievement and success. What a pity it would be if some underhanded political ideologues started classifying Orenians based on their heritage and not based on their service and love for the nation.

  6. Anthony Bentarus stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He ran his hands over his stubble and breathed in deeply. Cupping water between his hands, he splashed it over his face.


    "It can't be that hard to meet someone," he said to himself, his blue eyes rising to meet his reflection. Water dripped off his chin, off the fringes of his dark hair. "Practically everyone gets married. Even the most stupid and loathsome of men can find a partner. All I have to do is show up."


    He gazed into the glass. Into the sight of his own stupid and loathsome face. And he was not reassured.

  7. “Once again, Mr. Melphestaus is on the money,” Anthony Bentarus says as he reviews the letter from his rented room in Penton Place. “Why we haven’t sent the ISA to help defend Luciensburg from this rat assault is beyond me. As fellow Canonists, we’re obligated! What’s to stop the rats from eyeing us next if we’ve left our fellows in Luciensburg to rot?”


    “Anthony, quit talking to yourself,” his sister Catherine says from the next room. “It’s a bad habit.”


    Anthony blushes as his sister catches him. He squirrels the letter away in his desk.

  8. Anthony Bentarus had only really known Ms. Rutledge through her political writings - and their singular in-person meeting when he interviewed her for the paper.

    Regardless, though, he had admired the woman as a progressive and forward-thinking stateswoman. Ms. Rutledge had dared to push the boundaries, even in times when it was frightening and even dangerous to do so. As a fellow Farfolk, she inspired him.


    ”You made Oren a better place, Ms. Rutledge,” Anthony sighed as he read her obituary. He signed the Lorraine. “Be safe on your journey to the Skies.”

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