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。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

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Status Replies posted by 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

  1. Hotspot shield and TS don't get along

  2. Saving up the cash for a new gaming computer :-). only $1,200 more dollars to go.. I hate minimum wage..

  3. Saving up the cash for a new gaming computer :-). only $1,200 more dollars to go.. I hate minimum wage..

  4. I found another reason to love the LOTC community. When we make posts, and speak, we don't talk like idiots. So, GOOD JOB LOTC! :)

  5. ACCEPTED!!! WOOT! So pumped to start playing you don't even know!

  6. Channel Group on TS: Amazing!

  7. My IC character sits in her tent alone , a lot. And even though no one hears the emotes, I make them anyway, not sure why I make them though, anway, today she was going over in her head about how she isn;t that good at combat or archery, a thought came to her mind "what about becomeing a mage?"

  8. Anyone kinda confused on which game to play? So many good games coming out this year!

  9. Isn't it ironic that irony is ironic?

  10. I sense a Dictatorship coming in the near future

  11. The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.

  12. would killing a slave dealer be considered villanis?

  13. To all those LotR fans out their. Lets test your knowledge hm? Thrym Thistlebeard was the name Tolkien was going to use originally for which character?

  14. I'm starting to get a bit aggravated at these forums. Everything you post seems to be received as a deep insult and everyone starts attacking you and claiming you're sparking an argument.

  15. Contrary to popular belief, ban reports are not a good way to "get back" at someone.

  16. Who's your favorite RPer? [Q.O.D]

  17. Now that was an emotional forum post

  18. This was an overall good week. How about your week?

  19. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

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