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Posts posted by Desires

  1. Throwing out my own compliment!



    You're my favorite hubby and thank you for supporting me in every aspect for the two to three years we've been friends. You work so hard, and you try your best which is something I really appreciate and find admirable. Keep fresh, darling.


    @Heero 阴

    You frustrate me, I want to punch you in the face 80% of the time, but you mean well in some aspects. It makes me cringe while I say this, you're a good friend and thanks for being one of my closer ones.



    You have been incredible help since I met you, I'm glad you came back to say hi to me and you'll always be an amazing friend which I hope to return the favor to. BE AMAZING ALWAYS.

  2. Good evening, and yes I am coming to tap the community to show some love.

    I feel like there isn't enough appreciation for your peers, or even the Admins or staff so...

    Here's some free art, IF YOU COMPLIMENT SOMEONE AT RANDOM. More points if you give the admins some appreciation.

    They get a lot of flack, come on y'all.



    What you're gettin'










    Body Type:

    Extras (Earings, items , Pose):

    Skin Picture (I don't want to save your skin):

    Your compliment! ( Include @ So they know you talkin' crap) :

  3. Happy Birthday! I'd draw you a picture, but I'm tired.


    How old are you now?

    Did you eat cake?

    Do you prefer ice cream cake or regular cake? If regular cake, what kind?

    What's your favorite ice cream?

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