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George of House Glover

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Status Replies posted by George of House Glover

  1. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How long is the first war by the four brothers against Iblees said to have lasted?

    1. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      40 years and 10 seconds, 40 years while Krug mated with his life mate, then 10 seconds while Krug beat the **** out of Ibless.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Dear fluffy waffles the strain of being up right now... So early... X - X

  3. Is it possible for an elf to be half dark elf and regular elf (being one parent was a dark elf and the other a regular elf)?

  4. Is it possible for an elf to be half dark elf and regular elf (being one parent was a dark elf and the other a regular elf)?

    1. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      there is no such thing as a regular elf, wood, dark and high are the only types.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. My Skyrim PS3 Disc Broke ,_,

  6. Fun with factions! Hopefully this time there won't be repeated spawn killing and being called a "peasant ****" isn't fun either. Stop trolling.

  7. Tricked, lied to, and tired... Today is really going to be a good day huh!!

  8. Looking for a Single player PC game where you get to assassinate people. BESIDES assassin's creed.

  9. Panda misses the old Armaluna... She wonders if the new Armaluna is as good as the previous.. * contemplates while drawing *

  10. Reminder to all adult American LOTC players! Cast your votes! I sent in my absentee ballot today. :3

    1. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      you had all better be voting Tory in the next election though

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. well i guess someone thought they deserved my phone more than me. some jerk stole my beautiful IPhone 4S.

    1. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      Why are you complaining, now you can buy a proper phone, one that works

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Panda had the best RP she had in a looooong time! This was even better... THAN DRAWING!!

  13. * wakes up tired, screaming and terrified * That was too terrifying to even make into a story... Panda needs a few hours to settle...

  14. Your opinions on a reviving of Armaluna? :3

  15. Some one defiantly laced her seaweed crisps... Ugh.. The thoughts that Panda though are not recommended on any daily dose of thoughts to be thunk.

  16. #reinstated2012

  17. Can someone explain what whitewash orcs are?

    1. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      a whitewash orc, is an orc that has betrayed Krug and live outside of the war nations, they are responsible for all evil and suffering in the world, and it is the duty of those loyal to Krug to rid the world of them.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Panda ate too much sea weed scrips now her head is a jar of bees, her brother is a pack of fruit gum and her Dad is dead.. Seaweeeeeed crisps!

  19. Panda killed the monster of the corn with her machete! *munches on seaweed crisps of victory*

  20. Ghandi was a villain.

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