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Everything posted by Dasaro

  1. Hi Lus :D You should comment on my VA... and stuff :P

  2. I hate it when you ask someone to do something for you and they say, "Ya sure, I'll do it today." And three days later it'

    1. Dasaro


      it's still not done :p*

  3. Why do so many people like My Little Pony? I watched the first five minutes of the first episode and wanted to kill myself...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      You're only an anti brony because you haven't watched the rest.

    3. danic


      Blasphemy! Thou talk dirt upon the holy pony! THOU SHALL BE PURGE IN THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!

    4. Dasaro


      D: I'm sorry... :P

  4. Ah man, I've had some great role plays on this server! What are your best roleplay stories?!

  5. *A bright white carrying pigeon with a coin around it's back and a note in it's claws swoops down and lands in your hands, the note says, "Renati... I have fled Ascella, the Blades are coming for me. I will be back soon... I'll send you more info where I will be staying. Hope to see ye again, and may Aerial's blessin's be with ye. ~Aaron Epifanio"

  6. *A crow with a note attached swoops to your hands. The note says, "Crow... are you with Jester and I or not, Jester and the rest of us are the loyal ones, beware of Demivar! Stay in touch my dear friend... I found this bird fitting by the way. Best Regards, Aaron.

  7. *A white carrying pidgeon swoops down to Demivar's hands with a note attached, written in crimson ink, the note says, "Demivar, we are not the traitors you fool, beware... those loyal to the blades will stay loyal and will be coming to see all the traitor blades members very soon ~Aaron."

  8. ((Sorry :P That was Renati)) *A black carrying pidgeon swoops down into Jester's hands with a note in it's claws that says "From Aaron".

  9. R.I.P. Edd Gould (Eddsworld)

  10. I'm at school right now... but anyways Rest In Peace Eddsworld!

  11. *Looks up to the roof top as I walk away from the pedistal and see Jester jumping away in the corner of my eye and smirk. I turn to the ignorant few who are betrayels to the Blades and glare, when I see a glint in the alley way, and realize it is someones knife. I see the knife fly past my head just as I exit the city gates, running behind the fleeing Jester. The fear overwhelms me, and I look back to the castle as a tear runs down my face. I keep running, the Crimson Blades now a disgrace to Ascella. I decide not to return to Ascella, and to just flee, trying to find Jester and possibly Nix.
  12. Warning Status: 0%! :D I feel proud...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. 0000


      0% too. And been here since June.

      Being good ftw!

    4. susitsu
  13. Filling out my second VA! Wish me luck :D

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Break a finger... get it cuz your... typing... Hehe. Ah! Nevermind... -.-

  14. Gunna check if Voki works on these forums :o

  15. *Steps unto a pedestal and shouts with a booming voice. "Crimson Blades... today... we have had a great tragedy... Creseran has... 'left' due to his treason against the city of Ascella. He will be hunted down and soon killed for his treachery! Jester never murdered, he only acted in self defense; as he was Loyal to Ascella. Last week, we had signed a parchment saying we would forever stay loyal to Ascella and Seventis... but today, TODAY! Creseran has disgraced our title as Crimson Blades.... Us that are loyal to Renati and Julius, shalt stay LOYAL! We will never disgrace our Gods names ever again! Our lord Julius, has decided that Jester, shalt step up; and become leader of our gracious Crimson Blades... may the Crimson Blades regain their status, as important, loyal figures! This day, this... infamous day; May this infamous day, never be forgotten, as the day the our trust fell, but us loyal to the Blades, clung together. Crow, Jester, Nix, and all others, please... come back to Ascella. We will talk there. We need another way in our guild hall, the doors have been locked and sealed shut. We may... even have to build a new one for all that matters! I am on my way to our high King, Vaquixine now, for permission for building a new hall, apart from Ascella and out of the city, so all cities may prosper from our heroic and loyal deeds. We will still gather in Ascella and stay loyal to Renati and Julius. Thank you, and may we never forget the day, that our trust broke; but we came together! *Steps off of podium and clenches blade hilt, in the case that someone may try to kill me during speech.
  16. R.I.P. Creseran, it's your fault for trying to eat Renati :3

  17. Ohai Jullius... Hey I was wondering if I could get perms to Ascella? It's really annoying having to go back to Seventis to cut down a tree :P

  18. Ya know, I figured out how to scare the Kahjyrs,,, all you gotta do is- *Licks lips "Hello kitty kat" XD

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    2. Dasaro


      XD Indeed Jullius, Indeed! Hey I'll be on in a couple O_O still not home from my mom and dad's restaurant :/

  19. Hey thanks all who are commenting about the shooting, I am with Dez in school; it was a very scary thing... by the way DEZ GET ON! Did your mom disconnect the phone again?

  20. 1027... Great job all, great job!


  22. We must roleplay together sometime Native!

  23. *Sends letter to Pikel, "Pikel! Long time no see my dear friend! Where are ye located now in Asulon?!"

  24. *A bird with a note in it's claws swoops down and lands in Crow's hands. Crow take the note and starts to read, "Crow, something has happened with the Blades! We are the two last Blades apparently. Meet me in Ascella SOON! ~Aaron Epifanio

  25. The only thing holding me back is forum activity! I need to post 8000 posts by tonight XD

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