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Everything posted by Dasaro

  1. Hmmm... why are there no diseases in Asulon? We should have a major plague event...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moglets


      You could have a blight that greatly reduces wheat growth or drop rate when farmed for a period of time. Or you could have Mad Cow Dieases

      whereby cattle only drop rotten flesh, or Avian Flu where the chickens only drop rotten flesh also. It would be easy to adjust loot tables for these type of events...

    3. Moglets


      In fact, nations at war could maybe be able to poison each other's land and animals by spreading such plagues if it were possible to adjust loot tables or growth rates on a regional basis. Or turn off animal spawning in a region as part of a disease scenario. I dunno, I'm just rambling but I like your idea ;P

    4. Dasaro


      Well that was what the mongols did to spread the black plague sorta. I am wondering though if we could have this big event where everyone gets infected with a disease and some start to die and so forth...

  2. I have a quick question about the VIPs? If you are a gold VIP and buy another Gold VIP will you become a diamond VIP (since $50+$50=$100)?

    1. TRAY
    2. Schwaan


      Yes, I do believe they stack. I wouldn't trust me for that though, double check with someone else.

    3. Austin


      Yes they do, I went from Steel>Gold>Diamond

      Theys tack

  3. So... how 'bout them kittty-cats roamin' the world of Asulon now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo
    3. KarmaDelta


      We arent roaming....

    4. Dasaro


      :P Ah yes Reaper XD And Karmadelta, I am sorry, "Prowling" is a better term. :D

  4. So who else fought in the Aegis battle?! I feel bad for those poor saps who joined the day after and spawned in the regular world in a crater with no idea what was going on :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brent


      Damn, I fought all the way through that. Died right at the end from stepping in a fire D:

    3. Varstivus


      I was one of those that spawned in a crater...

    4. Dasaro


      Ah that stinks! I hated at the ending with the nuke though >_<

  5. Hello Symodimi... Long time no see! You should get on skype soon!

  6. Uh... there was a random lightning storm shooting in random places the other day... are the owners of this server trying to make us paranoid about the return of the undead?

    1. 0000


      Nope, but yes.

    2. VonEbs


      Of course.

    3. Dasaro


      I thought it was funny when the Blood Mages attacked the Cloud Temple and everyone was like "OH NO! THE UNDEAD!" :p

  7. Gwonam :D Long time no see man!

  8. Welcome sanyo9!

  9. Hopefully getting a Gold VIP package tonight >_

  10. Thanks to all who supported my GM Application and who gave me advice, I am cancelling the application since I am going to start smaller now instead of just jumping into a huge task. Thanks all!

  11. Hey Dez, I think Crow is one of the best you got for this!
  12. Hey Renati, I was wondering since I am your scribe, am I apart of the government already?
  13. Aye! Hail thee Blades, Hail Asulon, Hail Seventis!
  14. ((I was wondering in game if there were some way to communicate and summon the dark brotherhood like the black sacrement in Skyrim? How can we find the brotherhood if we wish for someone dead? Also, if we get a member of the dark brotherhood to assassinate someone, do we have to fill out a VA?))
  15. Application: Name: Blackwidow920 Mc Name: Aaron Epifanio Combat skills: Swordsmanship (40), Mining (41), Excavation (40), Archery (40), Wrestling (12), and Blacksmithing (20). (I prefer blades over axes) Skin Link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lord-of-the-craft-skin-689112/ (Skin is also attached)
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