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Everything posted by Yuln

  1. Yuln

    Are you an ascended or an Follower of Aeriel?

  2. I modified the story

  3. Did you read what I sent you?

  4. I sent the Lore/story

  5. Please awnser my mail!

  6. Guild wars 2 picure!

  7. how can I help the High elves?

  8. Please read what I Mailed you...

  9. That that is even possible!

  10. Hi to self :D

  11. why are you looking soo long to one topic?!

  12. OK I understand that.

    PS: at the moment I am working on prototypes for tree-houses for elves, when I'm finished with my first one I'll send you pictures

  13. if we have a conversation, and there have been 3 messages, you never send a 4th message. Why not?

  14. I would love to see some videos again!

  15. I writin' My story =D

    1. Garn


      I cannot reply to your messages. I get an array error. But though recruitment is closed you can make an in person inquiry and an exception could be made.

    2. Garn


      Ah i mean pay us a visit up north. we have many civilians and friends who assist us.

  16. I want to be An Ascended

  17. I want to be An Ascended

  18. I'm on the server! :D

  19. I made a mistake typing my name, sorry

    it should be Godness_Aurea

  20. My minecraft name is Gosness_Aurea

  21. Hail, high prince native!

    You said You fixed the thing that I was a wandering soul.

    But I still am a wandering soul.


  22. I don't want to be an wandering soul anymore!

  23. I don't want to be an wandering soul anymore!

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