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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Glad to see the enthusiasm for the idea ^_^
  2. I... I see how it is...

    *runs off crying*

  3. There needs to be more gay characters. As entertaining as it is to see every single homosexual on the server flining themselves at Danic. It wont last forever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MediocreGamer


      You need to attend more bunga bunga parties.

    3. Trazier


      Who's Danic? Supreme Queercommander or somethin?

    4. danic


      *looks at Traziers comment* Oh I see how it is >_>

  4. CAn't you jsut come online and fix it?

  5. He said he can't do it :(

  6. Get rid of your NPC's Danic before we get in trouble :(

  7. There can only be one >:I

    1. Lykos


      *is one*

    2. danic


      We defeated Zane, ending in having our butts beat by a 9yrd ._.

    3. Trouvo


      *there can be only one

  8. Yes it would be perfectly fine. I'll be ready once you say the word.

  9. Time to write some lore I guess :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dante


      Well I can't do all this stuff without finishing off my left over BDay cake. So yeah...

    3. danic


      Gross, I hate cake. Except German chocolate cake... Mmm.....

    4. Dante


      *sigh* I'll get into this after a while...

  10. School went on lock down today because of a potential riot :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dante


      In my opinion at least :/

    3. danic


      I blame you.

    4. Dante




      I have no idea what you're talking 'bout...

  11. holding up four /msg conversations and having an IC conversation with Ambros. I feel like such bad-ass right now.

  12. If you'd like you could always just shout at me and say I'm "God-like" just sayin'. http://minebook.me/?ruid=3606

    1. Dante


      woops wrong link :/ Just look up BKisKk in the search bar.

    2. Dante



      Or you can copy-paste that.

  13. [That's good enough (for me at least). I wish you luck with your mages then.]
  14. [No, doing it in game is what I mean. What I'm saying is if they sign up via application, then they will be noticed by the mages. The mages will go through VERY difficult testing of RP skill and such before actually given the title and I'd also like for this to be drawn out quite a bit more. Realistically one doesn't just fill out an application and have the ability to get magical abilities at the snap of a finger. It's a well timed, rigorous process all must follow.]
  15. [At least test them in some way. I'd much rather have the prevention of any power gaming in the first place instead of giving them the chance to fail at all.]
  16. Please don't make an application to get magic. If anybody could fill an application to cast spells we would be in utter chaos (more so than we are now)
  17. Too many dodgy hooded people on the server :/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours slashed up would ya?

    3. Lykos


      *comes up in a hood*

      wilson, cook me up some pork, then get me SOME GOOD OL' FASHIONED COLA.

    4. danic



  18. So many new magic ideas ._.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      Wait... DRUGGIES?! ._.

    3. HuskyPuppy


      Duggies o.o, I'm scared to learn what that is.

    4. Dante


      They are mind magic with mind control and stuff. Also forgot to mention blood mages as well :/

    1. Dante
    2. danic


      Me gusta, the faces scared me at first

  19. Thanks for support, and yes! What kind of party would it be without cake? :-? *gets out baking pan*
  20. I just realized Mezua is Auzem backward... I feel quite slow now...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Salamandra


      Heh, lul. Good job figuring it out at least. :) Now you have to make her give you a hug <3 Only then can you call yourself complete.

    3. Dante


      Glad I could help Danic :P and I will ask her for that hug. Funny how I found it though...

    4. Dante


      Architecture teacher: And children this is what a circle looks like. Any questions?

      Me in my head: Hmm... You know I think Mezua is an anagram for Auzem. *tries it* Dear god, yes!

  21. Bad day is bad :'(

    1. -Doggydigger-


      Bad day make good day look good ;)

    2. -Doggydigger-


      Bad day make good day look good ;)

    3. danic


      Dun worreh, hugs make everything better *huggles*

  22. So many Amnesia let's plays from LoTC ._.

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    2. Dante


      I imagine so Auzzy. (watched your livestream)

  23. I'm scared to ask, but are the app team apps still under review?

    1. Lirinya


      Were reviewing them but are not

      in desperate need for members


    2. Dante


      Alrighty then, thanks Liri.

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