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Status Replies posted by Blundermore

  1. Whats a Screamer?

  2. Who is the best librarian of Anthos?! (like totes me, c'mon ;3)

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What behaviour do pregnant Orcs sometimes exhibit not seen in other races?

  4. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What behaviour do pregnant Orcs sometimes exhibit not seen in other races?

  5. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What behaviour do pregnant Orcs sometimes exhibit not seen in other races?

  6. Jesus christ this server holds our hands too much methinks.

  7. Oh my god, The Desolation of Smaug is amazing

  8. It cost four hundred thousand dollars to wear a Stout Shako, for 12 seconds.

  9. Jebus is the non-christian equivalent to jesus in Rp. Use it.

  10. Where's the magic plugin... I've helped to create three now and yet none has been implemented in the two years I've helped to get these things on the server. With now a fourth version well in the works... soo... where is it?

  11. Where's the magic plugin... I've helped to create three now and yet none has been implemented in the two years I've helped to get these things on the server. With now a fourth version well in the works... soo... where is it?

  12. Where's the magic plugin... I've helped to create three now and yet none has been implemented in the two years I've helped to get these things on the server. With now a fourth version well in the works... soo... where is it?

  13. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  14. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  15. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  16. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  17. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  18. That moment when you realize you're almost twenty

  19. What are the tell tale signs of edgy?

  20. What are the tell tale signs of edgy?

  21. How the feck is everybody?

  22. Urgh. My computer has decent specs (16gb ram, 4gb dedicated nvida graphics card and quad core processor) and yet I run minecraft with horrible frame rates, never getting above 30 these days. Any help?

  23. "the boxing wizards jumped quickly" what is the significance of this sentence?

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