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Status Replies posted by Blundermore

  1. My little Chrisdena is growing up in the world.

  2. Dear Oren. This is your princess - http://i.gyazo.com/534e79149d1ea82f952b7be6af3fc190.png That is all.

  3. Here's a question on behalf of some of my friends and for my own personal curiosity for all of you Oren gents inclined to "the Faith". Aeriel Worship, Heretical or an Extension of the Church (Meaning they do still accept the overall believe but subscribe to a very particular part of it).

  4. Here's a question on behalf of some of my friends and for my own personal curiosity for all of you Oren gents inclined to "the Faith". Aeriel Worship, Heretical or an Extension of the Church (Meaning they do still accept the overall believe but subscribe to a very particular part of it).

  5. Does anyone else want to see a queen ruling Oren?

  6. Wait, why can't Mori and Dark Elves coexist together? I've alway seen them the same in-character.

  7. Wait, why can't Mori and Dark Elves coexist together? I've alway seen them the same in-character.

  8. After watching what ever this was happen I think I'm going to hold off on applying to this server.

  9. Well, I guess my voice is silenced then. =/

  10. Birdwhisperer and the High Elves are the only Elfish Elves around, all the others do /setrace Elf and muck around with anime influences. Tolkienn was more legit than Sasuke.

  11. How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real.

  12. Someone explain to be the difference between trying to create RP and trying to get attention?

  13. Green eyes or red eyes and why?

  14. Draeris, you are mighty welcome for that GIF in your signature pal!

  15. I got more rep than Cruz and dat homie got more posts than me what a scrub why is he GM?

  16. I got more rep than Cruz and dat homie got more posts than me what a scrub why is he GM?

  17. Wanting to know before I or a friend accidentally slips due to a misunderstandings. As according to Cappy's post, what is moderate graphic violence?

  18. Wanting to know before I or a friend accidentally slips due to a misunderstandings. As according to Cappy's post, what is moderate graphic violence?

  19. I have had enough of all the frecking autistic jokes on the Forums and on Teamspeak, it annoys the hell out of me, i actually am autistic and when i see all the frecking autistic jokes it offends me, maybe you guys should actually grow a heart

  20. When a bandit gives you 1 line of RP, calls you a ***** for not liking it and runs away, thn a GM says it's fine. What?

  21. High Elves - Mithlond Wood Elves - Rivendell Dark Elves - Menegroth? That's what I've heard for the Elvish racial capitals in 4.0

  22. Feeling paticularly evil after rewriting some of the old trials yesterday. Can't wait to see how people cope through the mind bending puzzles :D

  23. i think its time to make a new signature sometime soon

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