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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Blundermore

  1. i think its time to make a new signature sometime soon

  2. Racked up SO many points as medic in BF4. Kept reviving and healing a sniper who was having a dumb 1v1 with one of the opposing team's snipers.

  3. "Apples and grapes" -Jontron

  4. Uh - any status on the possibility of guildlocking priest healing?

  5. Australia is currently the hottest place on earth, GG http://gyazo.com/54d9e241640525dd469030e0b2c3e7c4

  6. If you could have one super power (and not the power to have any power, multiple powers, etc.) what would you have?

  7. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the Tiger Druid?

  8. Unbanning makes my heart hurt. True story.

  9. A thought I had, do you find war RP or peaceful RP more enjoyable?

  10. http://gyazo.com/198abdae66f1ddca45fdc1bb3541da57 Proof that the cybering change didn't work. It's a joke btw.
  11. I dont enjoy having the skate to school.

  12. *isn't a mage -he reminds after seeing the mistake for the 80th time...

  13. *isn't a mage -he reminds after seeing the mistake for the 80th time...

  14. *isn't a mage -he reminds after seeing the mistake for the 80th time...

  15. I don't get why we banned brothels again, I mean seriously how many people have been banned for cybering since the brothel(s?) came back?

  16. I don't get why we banned brothels again, I mean seriously how many people have been banned for cybering since the brothel(s?) came back?

  17. Does the Aengul known as Aeriel have a sybol which represents her?

  18. Server under maintenance, we'll let you guys know when you can log on. :)

  19. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/102751-the-writings-of-blundermore-p-windraker/ hmm... I dunno if I should try writing more books in the future, I wish I had resevered a few more posts for the sakes of keeping it all clean and tidy.
  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/102751-the-writings-of-blundermore-p-windraker/ hmm... I dunno if I should try writing more books in the future, I wish I had resevered a few more posts for the sakes of keeping it all clean and tidy.
  21. I have become an NPC.


  23. Blood magic is not a real kind of magic, there is no existing hidden lore or methods to learn it, and the last instances of it died with all but one Bloodmage whom is rarely played by a staff member. There is no such thing as "Aegisian Blood magic", anyone rping blood magic in any way will most likely be considered violating the mechanical standard, and would be considered metagaming and powergaming.

  24. There seem to be a few myths about Blood Magic circulating. Blood Magic is /not/ an open subtype. It cannot be self taught and nobody is around to teach it. This "Aegis Blood Magic" that copies Avatar doesn't exist.

  25. Whats a Screamer?

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