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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by K33MST4R

  1. -Is bored beyond belief as he can't find any GOOD RP-

  2. Vanus sucks

  3. Simon and CreeperSlayer, I hate both of you. Period. /trollface.jpg

  4. The Wheel of Time > Game of Thrones

  5. Step aside. Urara's applying for Loremaster.

  6. Guess who's back, back again

  7. With your help, I believe I can get my profile views to 25,000. It is currently 21,089. WE CAN DO IT!

  8. All those interested in Oriental RP such as Mongol, Arabesque, Steppes, Slavics, we are even open to American Indian ideas send me a PM or comment below, check out the Subudai!

  9. Took a nice LONG nap when I got home from work today. Me thinks I'll be up all night... Better make the best of it!

  10. I swear, shiftnative is freaking amazing. Auv don't got nothing on dat :P

  11. "My 3D App" I thought it was actually in 3D or something XD

  12. "Bronn, next time Sir Owen speaks, kill him. See, that was a threat. See the difference?"

  13. Random Player of the Day: Mithas

  14. Could I have an FM's help? I am not able to access my messages

  15. Could I have an FM's help? I am not able to access my messages

  16. Could I have an FM's help? I am not able to access my messages

  17. Could I have an FM's help? I am not able to access my messages

  18. Random Player of the Day: slic3man

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