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Status Updates posted by UltraRed

  1. I'm back!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bawg


      Don't do it again.

    3. Cracker



    4. xmrsmoothx
  2. what is this i don't even why are doing this to me hate you

  3. Just a heads up, your biography is not 2 paragraphs long, and as such, will be denied.

  4. Nice application, welcome to LOTC!

  5. I can't help but think you double-posting the terrible application was intentional...

    I tip my hat off to you, sir.

  6. I would suggest you edit your post, add [being edited] to the title, and change up small bits of your biography, removing any references to magic. Hopefully, it won't get judged before you finish editing, and you won't have to wait 48 hours!

  7. Epic, epic application. However, magical abilities are supposed to be learned in-character, and some Application Team members will deny applications on the sole reason that the characters described have magic abilities. Other than that, epic application, and I wish you the best of luck!

  8. Some tips about your application:

    I've seen applications denied because the characters have magic. I suggest you keep in mind that you do not enter Asulon with an established character, you enter Asulon TO establish a character. Ideally, you would learn magic ingame.

    Also, parents being killed by Orcs is... a rather common backstory on this server. You might want to change that, i...

  9. I'm flattered that you (imply that you) think I'm one of the best roleplayers.

    I don't post statuses because I'm either too busy RPing or playing silly trivial Flash games. :D

  10. Who's amazing? YOU'RE AMAZING. Especially your motivational songs. Those are high art.

  11. Thanks for the comments, the profile rating, and all dem stoofz. And Happy Belated New Year! Yay!

  12. Hi! I'm an Orc currently playing on the server, and I saw your application and read through it! It looked quite good, but my one criticism would be that the skin of your skin seems a little bright/fluorescent. Orcs come in more of a muddy green-brown color. That's purely a matter of personal preference, but I really liked your application and wanted to post something encouraging...

  13. Please don't bump your application.

  14. Please don't bump your application.

  15. You would indeed have a second chance at getting in. Good luck with your second application!

  16. I don't intend to impersonate a GM/member of the Application Team, but you're not supposed to post on unaccepted server applications, as it is equivalent to a bump. If you must give advice, please leave it in the form of a comment on the new player's profile, or in a personal message.

  17. Although you appear to be a great RPer, keep in mind that you WILL need an accepted Villain Application to lie, steal, cheat, and commit other villainous acts. Seeing as your character appears to be an evildoer, you might want to write up a Villain Application and edit your current application to include it/post it after you get accepted, if you are accepted before you complete it.

  18. Your definition of "roleplaying" is ripped directly from Wikipedia.


    "Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role."


    "changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or con...

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