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Posts posted by Heff

  1. A tiny halfling boy can be seen riding about on a pig posting posters to trees, stands, walls ... and bigguns. While some bigguns run around in fright as a nail and poster pierces their behind, others including Orcs, Elves, Kha', Humans, and Dwarves gather around in interest. 



    When: Friday, April 18th at 6:00 EST


    Where: Ivybend village (There are directional signs on pumpkins along the road to the west of the dwarf SoulStone pillar)


    Who's invited? Anyone wanting to party like it's 1452!


    Games and Activities will include:

    -Feast dinner

    -Pig race


    -Drinking contest

    please drink irresponsibly -Fumble


    And many more!

  2.                             The United Provinces Of Ireland800px-Flag_of_Leinster.svg.png

    Unity Day

    ​People drank and danced in the streets, even the former Republic citizens. The long and bloody war for unity had come to a stop, but at a price. A massive cemetery had been built in the heartland of Ireland. All the dead, Republican or Provincian, were buried here. It was known as the national cemetery, but instead of mourning the losses, everyone celebrated the stop of inner-conflict. People even partied in the cemetery, celebrating their lost ones life. And thus it was customary of Ireland now to host parties at the time of death. With the great partying came population boom, but also came economic strain. The food resources were running low as women became pregnant after three long weeks of party. The Irish economy struggles, and thus it halts any war preparation, but allows its Crusaders to finish their job on the Iberian Peninsula. More farmland is cleared and swamps are drained, food is needed. The large plots of farm for serfs and laborers will take (1 page) to make.


    With the economic strain comes more offers for trade. Pisa and Genoa are sent offers for trading rights. The Prussian-Bavarian Commonwealth is also sent offers for trade rights. Meanwhile Ireland, who during its economic struggle is in no position to start another war, sends a message back to Wales. The Norse are asked to move the blockade off of Irish coasts, as they have done nothing to provoke such things.

    "Dear, Lleywen 

    Although, privately, I myself would want to aid in lifting the blockade. My army, let alone my navy, is in no place to start yet another war. I fear that provoking the Norse, and their large allies, is in no way a goal of mine. We sadly decline your request, but urge you to stop the raids against England. This can only lead to loss of life for all, and in the end excommunication of you and your peoples. I do not wish for you to be excommunicated and hope you rethink your attacks.



    In other news the king rejoices when Scotland accepts his offer, and thus diplomats and traders flood the Scotland, a plan in the King's mind. Secretly Prince Ailín arrives at Scottish ports unannounced and begins to court one of the Scottish King's daughters.

  3. 800px-flag_of_leinster_svg.png

                                           The United Irish Provinces

      ~ Port Of Dublin~

    Masses of Irish Catholics board the large Venician Ships gifted to them by Venice. The exact troop count is handed to one of Rian's lords who has decided to oversee Patrick, Rian's Prince Son, on this Crusade in Hispania. The only cavalry managed to be scrounged up was one Scotish Mercenary Chariot unit, stored in the largest ship's underbelly, and a light cavalry body-guard unit. The fleet disembarks for Portugal Ports.

    ~The Troop Ledger~

    The Celtic Warband Of The UIP

    -1,500 Sword Skirmishers

    -500 Recurve Bow Archers

    -200 Welshman Mercanary Longbowmen

    -15 Scotish Mercanary Chariots

    -300 Irish Knights



    Meanwhile the siege in the North begins on the Irish Republic's capital city while smaller raids on the country side continue the NIR prepares to break the siege. This will be a pretty evenly matched battle in spirit, but in weapons and number the Provinces outweigh the Republic. 


    500 Berserkers

    200 Knights

    200 Archers

    1,000 Skirmishers



    Mod Needed

    A diplomat is sent to Scotland in an attempt to make the two countries sign an alliance, open borders treaty, and trade rights.

    A group of explorers venture into the sea, to visit an island rumored to be uninhabited off the coast. 


    An Archbishop is requested from Rian to be appointed for Ireland. He also wishes for Papal Support in the war against the Republic.

    For now there is no religious toleration and the Old Celtic Gods are still present in some secretive establishments, although the Provincial Council and their King know of this, they have yet to take action as they respect Celtic culture.

  4.                                                      The United Irish Provinces



    Rian looks over his embarking armies as they go to occupy the now mostly unified Ireland. Only one small cluster of cities in the North remain rebellious against the UIP.  Soon Irish and Welsh troops move into the Rebel Capital, they have declared themselves The Northern Irish Republic. Many catapults are being constructed in (two pages) a massive siege shall begin.  The UIP would soon be a unified landmass and a unified world power. Massive military reforms are gone underway. A list is drawn up by the king's stewards of current and past constructions and reforms.

    The Celtic Warband (UIP's Upcoming Standing Military)

    -Three Major Military Classes Are Being Trained:

    Knights, the destructive military machines, mainly Noble Woman and Men

    Footmen, the middle class of the army, made up of all soldiers who decide to stay in after 1 Year of Mandatory Service.

    Skirmishers, the front line of defense and bulk of the Celtic Warband. All Men and Women Are Requried 1 Year of Service Without Pay as Skirmishers. Any time after that will be payed and moved to middle class of the Warband

    -New Leather Armor Is Being Mass Produced (Light, but not as strong as Steel Armor)

    -A New Steel Armor Is Being Mass Produced  (Strong but not as light as Leather Armor)

    Soldiers (Footmen/Skirmishers) will be Given a choice for each.

    A sketch is below for the King's view






    New Swords, (lighter and stronger) Are Under Production For The Basic Infantry

    These swords are for all standard infantry and ALL SOLDIERS will also be required to carry an light hand axe.




    These Reforms Will Take A Total Of 3 Years (3 Pages) To Have Full Effect and for the Said Blade/Armor 

    Piece To Be Produced




    The ships from Venice are welcomed with open arms and immediately loaded with Irish Warriors. They aid in depositing troops in for the war effort against the Northern Irish Republic. A shipment of many golden coins, agricultural products, and iron weapons are sent to Venice, equalling the amount they wished for in gold.

    Rian reads the Welsh proposal with great enjoyment.  This would be a great offer and his daughter had always had her eye on Welsh sailors who had visited. A letter is sent in reply.

    "Dear Great Welsh Allies,

    My daughter is not some political item to me Welshman. I wish for you to visit us in person, so that she may have a personal look at you, and that I may judge your worthiness of courting such a fine young lady. See you in the Dublish Ports.


    King Rian."




    Mod Post: (Sorry If I Miss A Few LMK if So)

    The Sami accept the gracious offers made by Norway and most of them join in under the Kingdom's rule. But a few rebellious tribe members take to the forests and take to banditry. Raiding and killing numerous Norse Visitoris and Norse Sami. How will the Kingdom react to such rebellion?


    The Algiers accepts annexation happily but the Tunisians decide to remain free. However they send word that they wish to maintain friendly trade relations with the Sultinate

  5.                                    THE UNITED IRISH PROVINCES 


    King Rian smiles as the two provinces fall into his grasp. He will of course, being a just and fair ruler, allow them to have a say in Irish affairs. It was a smooth battle in The Kildare province. They did not see a war coming and quickly fell under the boots of Dublish Warriors. For the most part buildings were left un-looted, except for the main Lord's hold. Warriors descended onto this building, ransacking and looting anything that hinted at supreme authority. The Leader of Kildare drew his sword alongside 2 of his best knights. Quickly Rian had disposed of him while his own knights battled the bodyguards. His father's lands also fell to him as an assassin planted a dagger in his own father's neck. The burial of his father was filled with numerous people, as well as his own killer. Rian did genuinely mourn and then afterwards killed the assassin himself to make sure word did not get out. 


    Rian replies to Gwynnen's Leader,

    "Dear Valued Friend,

    If these ~rumours~ are true than we will be backing you in the event of an invasion. In an act of good will I request that you dispatch 500 of your own troops to Dublin's ports to aid in my unification of the Irish Lands.



    New provincial leader is elected to both Kildare and Leinester, both of whom are now to be regents of the King. 

  6. The County Of Dublin



    Rian Cheinnselaig, leader of Dublin, looked over his growing city. Ships began to leave port for the morning, to fish for the great beasts of the Baltic. Soldiers marched towards the great rally point at the city gates, preparing for war. Smiling he walked into his chambers and began to get his armor on. 



    Troops begin to amass at the Kildare border. 1,000 Basic Swordsmen, 400 Archers, 700 Spearmen, and 100 Knights prep their armor and weapons. They begin to march into the county, making way for the palace in which the stuck up noble lives in. Kildare would soon fall under the Dublin flag. 

    A navy is being built, with 60 Longships in production (6 pages).

    A large wall is being constructed around Dublin's borders. Although they plan to conquer all of Ireland they wish to be prepared. The wall will take (4 pages).



    The terms sent by Gwynnen are accepted. Dublin now has a great ally under its sleeve. 

    A messenger bird is sent to Venice to discuss opening up trade and allowing passage of civilians in between the two great lands.

    A Dublish assassin is sent to Leinester to assassinate the leader there, once he dies the county will be inherited by Rian. 

  7. Skype Name (Recommended): You have eet

    Nation:  County Of Dublin (Ireland) 

    Reasonable Starting Military Strength (Ships, Soldiers):  600 Swordsman, 300 Archers, and 500 Spearmen. No knights right now just chain mail sword skirmishers and rushers. 

    Backstory (If Any): The County rose from a small tribe and grew into a mighty county. More will be in post.

    Have You Read The Rules: KHAAANNNNNNNNNNNN

    How much of the nations history are you aware of: Not much, doing my research. 

  8. Extroverts are generally known to be loud and good at making friends, though they can be abrasive as well.They tend to enjoy activites that allow them to socialize and be with other people.

    This describes me almost exactly, always loud goofy and friendly. I'm sure people have noticed that but I also can be *rarely* introverted when feeling down or when put in a situation I do not enjoy (but I try to make the most of everything)
  9. Bod sits in the back row of the mourners, although he wasn't a close friend of Rosso he knew the man. Bod smirked remembering the great man who had been Jarl during Bod's stay at Vaerhaven, helping him find a place among the Fallen and to deliver messages for mutual friends. He simply says some brief words.
    "Rosso was a great man. I ~know~ he will be quite welcome in the afterlife. He helped me, an orphan thief he barely knew, deliver an important message for a good friend. And then once more when he helped me find a family amongst the Pink Haired Elves and their Fallen. I knew Rosso as a friend, and respected his authority as a jarl."

  10. HERESY

    Clearly though doth not realize how halfling children are made. First the halfling mother and father eat and drink the best foods and ales. Then they make love. Then they take a magical seed, go into a pumpkin patch under the full moon of Knox. And plant it. After 9 months the halfling baby crawls out of the pumpkin and a great festival is thrown.



    Actually this is truth please make small halfling section please.










  11. Bod, upon hearing of Lark's death breaks down in tears. Entering a depression he begins to slit his arms, blood dribbling down onto his clean suit. He begins to rip the suit up, tears violently dropping everywhere. He kicks over a lamp, blood dripping onto the carpet. Quickly he dawns on his old ripped cloaked and delves into the night, his anger being taken out on the people wandering the dark.thief111111111111111.jpg

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