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Posts posted by Heff

  1.                              ~The Halfling Mega-Thread~

    This thread is entirely for OOC purposes so that halflings may increase their rp quality. Below is a multitude of guides, laws, and just general handy tips.



    Petyr's Guide:

    Some important points to note:

    If you really enjoy PvPing, a halfling is probably not for you.

    If you are rage or have a temper, being a halfling is not for you.

    If you want to be a Mary Sue or be a super duper badass, halflings are not for you.

    If you get really bored really quickly, halflings might not be for you.

    If you want to mine, halfling might not be for you.

    If you are too serious, halfling is not for you.


    If you enjoy farming, drinking, fishing, and laughing, be a halfling.

    If you are tired of powergamers, poor RPers, or just tired of conflict, be a halfling.

    If you want some peace and some good friends, be a halfling.

    If you are drawn to short and weak races like hobbits and gnomes, be a halfling.

    If you like the sound of an Irish accent, be a halfling.

    If you want a community that is more focused on fun over items, be a halfling.

    And, if you've always wanted to live in a hobbit burrow, be a halfling.


    Step 1 - Read "A History of Halflings". It's on the wiki. I wrote it. While you're at it, read the halfling page, as well.

    Step 2 - Get a skin. No shoes, typically clothes that could be used for farming. Perhaps a strand of grass in your hair.

    Step 3 - Talk the talk. Use "yer", "me" for "my", and all of that other stereotypical halfling speak.

    Step 4 - Get a good name. Perhaps join an already prominent family (Brandybuck, Sturdyfoot, Took). Typically first names are two syllables with a rhythm of "strong-weak" while last names are either "strong" or "strong-weak-strong".

    Step 5 - Know some more info. Halflings are adults at thirty three. They can live longer than most humans, sometimes up to 175 or 200. They don't wear shoes. Their ale is potent, yet with strong emphasis on flavors. They like being comfortable. They are very hungry. Their eyes can be different colors. Halflings don't necessarily look down on thievery. Do your research.

    Step 6 - ???

    Step 7 - Let's do this thang.



    Bolo's Creating A Halfling Guide


    Why you should make a Halfling?

    Why should you make a Halfling is the question. Halflings are fun, close knit, and an overall joyful community filled with all sort of people. Here are some reasons why YOU should make a Halfling

    1. Halflings are fun, and less restrictive than other races.
    2. We're a small community that has a lot of helpful players that can get you started.
    3. Halflings have little to no fights (except for the occasional bad egg).
    4. We have lots of festivals and player made events.
    5. The Halfling community is welcoming and inviting both ic and ooc.
    6. If you like farming and overall lazy, laid back rp. Halfling rp is for you.
    7. We're based off of the LoTR Hobbits
    8. We have friends with mages and other people, plus we have little to no conflict.
    9. Sometimes we like to go on silly, fun adventures.
    10. We whack things with shovels.

    Who are the Mayors of The Shire? How can I get started on a Halfling?

    Have no fear, the Halfling community is very small and very open to new players. Getting down to basics, a Halfling (sometimes referred to as Hobbit) is a small, humanoid creature. They love nothing more than drinking ale, telling stories, and farming. Halflings are very dexterous, making good use with their hands. A Halfling will never steal, or kill another unless given no other choice.


    The Mayor as of now (2/13/14) is Milo Herballow. Elections are held every so often (decided by the community). Mayors control RP (and sometimes OOC affairs, but as of now ryanheff74 controls OOC affairs)

    Creating a Halfling is as easy as 123. 1, get a skin made. We have several Halflings who would be happy to help you get started on a skin. Send a message to  matt011011 or Valon. Then come up with a name. A simple name is sufficient and I recommend this name generator to get started http://www.chriswetherell.com/hobbit/, and you can edit the name to your liking. The final step is to find and start rp'ing in Lenfarthing. Ask to join a family, many of us have a spot open for a distant cousin or brother.


    Speaking like a Halfling is fairly easy and most get the hang of it within a few hours of rp'ing. A guide by cmack1028 should explain the basics (see below). A basic rundown would tell you to use:

    • me over I
    • Halflings don't pronounce h very well making words like he become 'e
    • Halflings don't pronounce t very well making words like that become tha'
    • Some prefer to change er in words to eh or ah



    Halfling culture is not hard and just reading the LoTR books puts you ahead. A guide by our very own Petyr (see below) will give a more advanced overview of the Halfling culture and how we work.





    Fumble's Basic OOC Guidelines 



    It is recommended that a halfling takes the following tips into complete affect OOCLY.

    Halflings are supposed to be a laid-back race in RP right? Yes. But they are also encouraged to be laid-back oocly. 

    -We Discourage OOC Bickering

    -We Discourage OOC Insults (Unless entirely Joking)

    -We ~WILL NOT~ Stand For Provoking Others OOCLY

    -Harrasement Is Forbidden

    -Do Not Complain About RP In OOC, you are a halfling and will be bullied (RPLY) because you are the smallest race! Take this to heart and be a weak, peaceful person RPLY but a nice, kind person OOCLY.


    Rich's RP Laws 

                                                     Laws & Guidelines

    Issued by Sheriff Rick
    All laws and guidelines issued here are mandatory to be followed, or you may server jail time, exile, or even public shaming upon you 
    (but don't worry)
    I- Blades, bows, metals, or other bigg'un weapons/armor are strictly illegal, unless for cook, eating, or building purposes. (Shovels, bucket helmets, and slingshots are allowed)
    II- Murder or Assault (Of kin or strangers) is strictly forbidden
    III- Hobbits must worship the Pumpkin God, although foreigners may worship who they please, as long as they respect our culture
    IV- Theft is strictly forbidden (although you are allowed to steal from bigg'uns)
    V- No locked doors or secret chests. Chests may have a simple lock, however.
    VI- Class A drugs are forbidden. Drugs such as shrooms or Pipeweed are not only legal, but supported to be taken.
    VII-No destruction or defacing of the lands/burrows. This includes: Ugly burrows, ugly rooms, ugly buildings, ugly landscapes, or ugly people.
    VIII- Bigg'uns (Humans/Elves/Orcs/Kha/Etc) are not to gain a burrow, ever.
    IX-Compliance with the Sheriff or deputies must be given. If you are innocent of your crimes you must stand trial, running away or fighting will not help!
    X- Improper Hobbits are are to be shunned until they change to proper Hobbits. 
    (Some Improper behavior includes: Wearing shoes, living with bigg'uns, not using a shovel (or using a blade), not worshiping the Pumpkin lord, breaking any laws stated above, or simply not having fun)
    XI- Change must and always will be shunned.



    Rupert's Guide On Speaking Our Speak


    Hey guys. Lately, I've seen a bunch of new Halfling characters that have been using an odd, distorted type of Halfling accent so I thought I'd make a proper guide for all you new Halflings or others that need to brush up on their current accent!


    Typically, Halflings have a sort of English accent from the modern world today, however there are some notable differences.


    • Halflings have a difficult time pronouncing the letter 'T' during mid-statement, however they can easily pronounce it as the first sound of a statement, for example:

    Normal: This is a test statement.

    Halfling: This is a tes' sta'emen'.


    Notice how in 'Statement', the first 'T' isn't replaced with an apostrophe. The 'ST' sound remains pronounceable.

    • Halflings typically don't make the 'H' sound when speaking. You can also drop the 'OO' sound in words, and instead replace it with 'E' or 'A' (You -> Ye, Ya), for example:

    Normal: How are you?

    Halfling: 'Ow are ye?

    • Some accents don't allow the Halfling to pronounce the words 'TO' and 'TOO', and instead would replace them with 'TER', for example:

    Normal: What do you have to do today?

    Halfling: Wha' do ya 'ave ter do terday?

    • Lots of times, Halflings won't pronounce the 'ER' sound at the end of a word and instead replace it with 'A', for example:

    Normal: How are you, Mister Proudfoot?

    Halfling: 'Ow are ye, Mista Proudfoo'?


    Again, the 'ST' sound will remain strong, but in the word 'Foot', it would drop the 'T'.


    • Halflings typically don't pronounce 'ING', and instead only pronounce the 'IN' sound, for example:

    Normal: How are you doing today?

    Halfling: 'Ow are ya doin' terday?




    Remember, this is a very basic Halfling accent! You're more than welcome to throw in a couple more additions if you'd like to!


    Friendly tips:

    1. Your character will be able to pronounce the random consonants in the beginning of words. "Green" is not "'Reen", "More" is not "'Ore", etc.
    2. Many Halflings do not pronounce the 'TH' sound, and instead replace it with 'D' (That -> Dat). This is completely up to you, however when I learned in mid-Asulon, it was not a typical thing to do.
    3. Have fun with it! Mix and match to make your accent unique!

    I hope this was helpful! Thank you and have fun RPing!


    (Yes, this does apply to you master race Hobbits, too.)




    Petyr's History



    *Once more, you find yourself wandering through Petyr's burrow, and you come across a dusty tome. The sheepskin pages are slightly aged, but you can still make out the distinctive green writings.

    A History of Halflings - by Petyr Brandybuck

    As is common knowledge, the origins of the halfling race reside began with couples consisting of a human and a dwarf. Nowadays, the halflings have distinct traits of their own, practically unmistakable when compared with the modern counterparts of their progenitors. The purpose of this book is to educate the populace about the culture and history of the halflings. The information in this book has been preserved either in ruins, in literature, or in folklore.

    Chapter 1 - Beginnings - Years 0-300

    Though there are many conflicting accounts regarding the creation and following years of Aegis, most records agree that the race of humans and that of dwarves most likely had contact before Year 50. And, as when any two cultures collide, so do their blood, and so at some point in time, humans began to mate with dwarves. We can trace some traits back to this point, such as brewing and farming talents, but as we will see, other generic halfling traits developed over time. 

    Indeed, it is hard to pinpoint the first halfling. After researching animal breeding as well as magical oddities, I would propose that, intially, the children of a dwarf/human couple would not be classified as a halfling. You see, it would make much more sense if halflings were a height in between that of a dwarf and human, but instead, they are actually shorter! This would indicate that, some time in the past, a great outer influence caused the future children of these mixed couples to have this odd height. 

    It is reasonable to conclude that halflings as we know them today were present by Year 300, based on folklore and literary records. 

    Chapter 2 - Early Developments - Years 300-600 

    A combination of small stature and inherant greed drove some of the first halflings to thievery, a very viable profession for nimble hands in the cities. They gained a reputation for being mischievous and devious, and thus gained little respect for their brewing or farming prowess. There was some prejudice against them, no doubt; never once in history or literature does one hear of a heroic or powerful halfling. To say that they were suppressed would be incorrect, but people did find them a thing to be "tolerated". 

    Over time, of course, most halflings developed a sort of fear of violence and arguments, reducing the number of thieves. As well, most halflings moved to Oren to escape the war-mongering attitude of the dwarves. This is estimated to have taken place over the time span of Years 400-600 The humans were little better, though. And, over time, halflings began to move to more rural areas, escaping those that would persecute them. Small communities on the very border of human cities were formed, and there halflings began to develop customs to cheer them up. Indeed, good food and good times seemed to become the goal of every halfling. 

    Chapter 3 - Later Developments - Years 600-1200

    Halflings continued migrating farther and farther out of the city. It came to be that small communities of halflings were spread out in the vast plains surrounding Oren, with the halflings only revealing themselves occasionally to trade goods. Over time, the negative connotation towards halflings mostly disappated, but the halflings enjoyed their semi-solitary lifestyles. 
    The countryside is where the art of halfling brew and cooking truely matured into the art form that it is today. Indeed, the herbs and spices that could be found in the countryside of Oren had never been truely used to their full potential, and so halflings were the first to utilize them. Some of these herbs include the yellow wildflower, spice of apple, and fern dust. The ale, while very potent, began to develop more of a focus on flavor and aftertaste. This also was the case with halfling bread and cider. 

    It is important to note that there were still some halflings living in cities at this point (~Year 800). Most halflings were born of halfling/halfling, but some were still born of a human/dwarf couple. These halflings enjoyed a much easier life than their ancestors.

    Around this time in history, the number of halflings had indeed grown to a point where surnames were required to identify with, as previously, only single names were used. Names, both first and last, were usually one or two syllables. Notable surnames and houses that began at this time were the houses of Took and Brandybuck, founded by Tulkan and Grombadook, respectively. The Tooks had the traits of what might be called the quintessential halfling - friendly, yet shy, of average height and demeanor. The Brandybucks, however, were a tad more adventurous, with darker hair than most halflings. Each family lived in a single burrow hill, most of them in the general vicinity of another. These family hills were the closest thing to a town as had truely ever existed yet in halfling culture. 

    However, in around Year 1010, some families started to break apart from population pressures. Families like the Brandybucks eventually spread all througout the lands. 

    By around this time, halflings had been isolated enough that, not only did this unique culture of peace and merriment develop, but the halflings actually forgot or disbelieved in the creation stories and of Aenguls, Daemons, and God. Indeed, the halflings didn't really develop a totally obscure faith, but instead took on a quasi-religious outlook that revolved around the things they held dear: harvest and food, companionship, nature, and peace. No "gods" were ever named, nor was worship very common, but there was a common belief that, if a halfling betrayed his tight-knit community, that the harvest and the tranquility of life would be lost. 

    Chapter 4 - The Rise and Decline of the Village Era - Years 1200-1304

    Around the year 1200, a small group of halflings, from both Took, Brandybuck, Goodbody, and other families, decided to form a self-sufficient community apart from the family burrows. They had decided to make it a collection of hills, hidden from society by the waters and hills surrounding it. This community eventually came to be named "Dunwood", and it remains the most notable halfling town to date. There are massive wheat fields and a beautiful, clean lake. This town was always notable for being quite territorial, for as the humans began to urbanize more and more, family burrows were abandoned, and Dunwood was one of the last retreats for the country-loving halflings. As word of the town's existence came to be, spread by the word of the Wandering Wizard, halflings from both cities and family hills came to try and gain a burrow here. The founders of Dunwood were initially very welcome, but soon, the onrush of want-to-be residents came to such a high number that it was impossible to distinguish which would be beneficial to the community. The aspect of companionship was always very emphasized, and as a later resident of the town, I can vouch for this fact. By the time that I moved to Dunwood, it was impossible to walk through the streets of Al'Khazar without being pestered for the town's semi-secret location. 

    Envious of the town, many halflings and non-halflings alike began making similar towns in the surrounding hills, a more known one by the name of Thistledown. 

    I am now qualified, at this point, to tell the history from a first-person perspective. Yes, for I arrived in Dunwood during a small population boom, when the town was thriving and more inhabitants came every day. The Elders of the town at the time were Kip Took, Len, Gimblo. I was first escorted to the town by Gimblo, who took Bell and I for a visit. And, as I mentioned earlier, we were pursued through the streets of Al'Khazar by nosy people! Gimblo turned a corner, snapped his finger, and suddenly Bell and I were in Dunwood (a trick I have yet to emulate perfectly). The smell of hot bread and ale wafted from the ale garden, and I could hear a halfling singing with a lyre in the distance. Indeed, it was truly the ideal place for a halfling. Indeed, soon, the whole town took a trip to Al'Khazar to pledge allegiance to the newly-kinged Edmund.

    After many a year of drinking, story-telling, and visitor-shoveling, the town seemed to go into a cultural decline. The Elders grew a tad sickly, and so they appointed Owen Sturdyfoot II as the Mayor to help govern. However, even his efforts did not maintain the vitality of the town, as Brian left to become an Ascended, Biodoc passed away, Rusty moved to Al'Khazar, and Lilly was kidnapped. This decline occured in other towns, too, leaving an area surrounding Dunwood filled with empty hill-homes and the likes. I, too, left after a call from the Druids, though the years of countryside living would have a profound influence on me for my entire life. 

    Chapter 5 - Up to Modern Day - Years 1304-Present Day

    After many years, around 1340, I decided along with a few relatives to restore the popularity and culture of Dunwood, and so we hosted DunFest, a large festival with much merriment. There was drinking, dancing, singing, and the likes, of course. However, afterwards, it did not have the profound influence on the town population that I would have liked. And so, I went back to Malinor, only to try another festival later. Indeed, it appeared that our selective ways way long ago had a profound influence on the interest in the town, and so many gave up their hopes of moving and settled in the city. Many halflings have forgotten the joy of the simple and clean life, to my surprise. While I certainly traveled and was no typical halfling, the air off of Lake Dunwood in the early morn still stirs my soul like very little else does. 

    At the most recent DunFest, I did meet some fellows quite interested in culture, but none were halflings. I have tried to embrace the city-dwelling halflings with open arms, but very few have answered the call. 

    With the division of Oren, I as one of the only remaining Elders of the town decided to not immediately pledge our allegiance to either faction, instead remaining independent for some time. I did, however, set up a trade caravan of goods between Dunwood and Galahar, trying to make use of our overstocked wheat. 

    At the time of writing this, the state of the world grows dim as the Undead continue to win victory after victory. The future will surely deserve another tome of halfling history, perhaps more in depth, as this was merely a general overview. Hopefully this has been an informative and enjoyable read. 

    Petyr Brandybuck


    Petyr's Guide On Building/Burrowing

    This treatise is to be used as a guide for whenever a master architect is not present.

    The Three Keys to Burrowing:

    1. Cozy

    2. Circular

    3. Covered by Dirt

    Cozy: A burrow must be cozy. A burrow that is too spacious is a burrow begging for unwanted guests. Cozy is not the same as cluttered. A halfling should never have too much room or too little room. Huge basements or vaults or spare rooms are not encouraged.

    Circular: Burrows should be rounded, not built with the crude edges of other barbaric races.

    Covered by Dirt: If there is no dirt on top of a burrow, it is merely a house, and a house is not proper for a halfling.


    Standard Building Procedures:

    Most burrows will have between three and five rooms. This is typically two large rooms and one bed room, perhaps adding a storage room or, in exceptional cases, another large room. A room is qualified as large if the surface area of the floor is greater than or equal to twenty four meters squared.

    Standard rooms include:
    Bedroom (always)
    Living Room (always)
    -typically the fireplace goes to this room
    Entry Room/Hallway (typically)
    Eating Room/Party Room (sometimes)
    Separate storage room (sometimes)

    A standard four-room burrow will consist of two large rooms (entry room and living room) and two small rooms (storage and bedroom). 

    Carefully consider the placement of doors, windows, and fireplace before construction begins.

    Walls should be made of wooden planks stacked two meters high upon some sort of sturdy log.
    Darkwood and standard planks are preferable.

    The floors should always be covered by a thin layer of wooden planks or some sort of wool carpet.

    Ceilings should be layered inward from the walls as such (depending on the shape of the room):

    After construction, burrows should be covered by a layer of dirt, as to be made inconspicuous and natural-looking. Plant flowers and tall-grass after all dirt is placed. 

    Some notes:
    Small basements are okay, but a basement too large will collapse the burrow from lack of support.

    Experimentation should of course occur; no two burrows should be identical, and each burrow must be built to the needs of the particular halfling.

    Sometimes it is wise to build into the ground a bit, as to avoid too large of a hill and too much similarity between burrows.

    Different rooms can be different elevations, connected by a stairwell.

    Cutting wooden planks in half allows for very inventive ceiling shapes, adding to the overall cozy factor.




    Rich's Book Of Wee Folk

    ((This isn't set in stone, it's just explanations for different blood lines of Halflings. If you're so upset go file a complaint I don't know. Just made this for fun :P ))



    If you’ve ever visited the Halfling’s lands, you may have
    seen a large book, red bended, the words ‘The Wonderful World Of Wee Folk’ on
    it. If you read it, it holds the following.


    “Today, let us talk about the different ‘Types’ of the
    Halfling community. This may seem odd to you Big Fellows, but it is not
    uncommon to us. We’ll start with the known origins to Hobbits, something simple
    for you to understand.


    It is common thought that the original Hobbits were the
    creation of Dwarven-Human breeding. Although understandable as to why this was
    thought, it is wrong. Human and Dwarvish breeding would only ever make an unknown
    mix-race, somewhere in between the height and stoutness of a Dwarf and a Human.
    These unnamed beings, the children of race-mixture, are believed to be the
    Ancestors of all Halfling-like species. These men and women, between one and
    possibly more generations, created the Hobbits. Hobbits are smaller than
    Dwarves, and have, usually, less muscles and frame. For this reason, Hobbits
    are considered the ‘purist’ part of our small community. Let us take a look at
    this, so far.




    Human + Dwarf = Unknown Mix Breed + Unknown Mix Breed =


    On to the more famous breed, the Halflings. These are the
    most common breeds. Most of the ‘short people’ you Big Fellows meet are most
    likely Halflings rather than anything else. Why this breed became so prevalent
    is most likely just luck, as there are no, or very few, differences between
    Hobbits and Halflings. Halflings originate from Hobbits and the Unknown Mix Race.
    This resulted in another Hobbit, with the only difference being blood. Halfling
    or Hobbits will tell you differently, however. Hobbits will most likely tell
    you they’re superior by blood, while Halflings will tell you they are superior
    physically. There is no real proof to support any such claims…


    Hobbits + Unknown Mix Breed = Halfling.


    On to a less popular breed, the Gnomes. Gnomes are rarity,
    very uncommon, as their bloodlines have slowly dried up. The actually origins
    of Gnomes is blurry at best, most theories stemming from old bloodline notes,
    which are not very resourceful. The two common ideas are that Gnomes originated
    from Halfling-Dwarvish Mix, but this is odd as Gnomes are much smaller than the
    other breeds. The second hypothesis, and the more agreed, is that some genetic
    defect created the original Gnome, making him/her very small. Thus, inbreeding
    with Halflings created slightly odd race… Gnomes are usually only 1 – 2 feet
    tall on average, but have unchallenged stamina. They often handle physical work
    much easier than most Halflings, and are commonly less lazy. On the other hand,
    they commonly have a harder time learning, reading, writing, etc.


    ? +? = Gnome +Gnome = More Gnomes


    On to, what Halflings commonly refer to as ‘Devil Halfings’,
    Munchkins. These “Munchkins” are extremely rare, to the point some have
    considered them people of myth. They are believed to be the spawn of Undead
    breeding with Halflings, an odd idea indeed. Often the same size as
    Halfling/Hobbits, they are much more hairy. Magically vivid, some tall tales
    say they can fly, teleport, walk through walls, see in the dark, morph shape,
    summon the monsters of the night, control minds, levitate objects, or even, in
    one tale that Milo told one drunken night, they can rip a tear in time and
    space, bringing forth creatures from other dimensions. They are often more mischievous,
    favoring dark humor, or even laughing at death or pain in friends, family,
    bystanders, or even themselves. Very selfish, very rude, and evil by some
    stories, the Halflings sometimes blame them for unexplainable misfortunes. They
    are an odd species, indeed, if they do exist.


    Halfling + Undead = Munchkin


    The most hidden form of our beloved race, the Hobs… Taboo to
    speak of, in most cases, these are the children of Goblins and Hobbits. Usually
    deformed, with multiple physical and mental defects, if they even survive
    birth. They are not a regular sight, half because of the survival rate and half
    because of their actual birth rate, as it is uncommon for a Halfling/Hobbit to
    fall in love with a Goblin. Those who are born, and live to an old age, are
    usually savants, oddly enough. They are usually green skinned, with a Halfling
    bone structure, although the reality depends truly on how nature works, as not
    every Hob will look the same.


    More shall be added in the times to come, there’s a lot of
    us wee folk out there, you’d be surprised. We are the most diverse of any race,
    you see…”


    I hope you enjoyed this thread! It is subject to change and many halflings will make contributions below!


    Fumble Willowbottom

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