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Posts posted by Runabarn

  1. 29 minutes ago, Sky said:

    Again I agree, however there IS an artifact in circulation that does hold the ability to grant the druid in possession the ability to control the weather and even have the little passive aesthetics


    After consulting with the lorewriter of this praticular item, it was meant to be used one time for an event after which the item became a paperweight. This did happen. However, due to a certain person who had a knack for lore twisting and OOC manipulation for self gain, the item remained in circulation.


    So in short, not a good argument.

  2. -1


    I have to agree with everyone here that says that druidism is already a pretty darn overloaded magic as it is.

    On top of that, this addition would make absolutely no sense for the druids to have thematically. Druids have always been all about plants and animals. Controlling the elements? No way man, that's shaman territory and way beyond what the magic should be able to do, artifact or not.



    You have so many things to do with it that adding more is just gonna end up like an overmodded skyrim install. It's all cool and fine getting those extra sets of armor and lore friendly custom items, but then Macho Man Randy Savage is a dragon and wtf happened.

  3. So you're eliminating teams, replacing them with departments as if this were some sort of company, and somehow this will unify staff. Human resources better be ready to handle all those complaints.


    Also, if you truly are looking to improve staff, then better start planning the purging of teams and review those staff team apps. You're not going to go anywhere if you keep the same old trash.

  4. ((I am unsure if anybody would possess knowledge of this happening, so I'll just leave an OOC note.


    Have fun RPing to find a cure, you're the best alchemy RPer I know of so I'm sure it'll be quality stuff. and expect some resistance if word gets out <3))

  5. 1 minute ago, gucko; insane in the brain said:

    Didn't notice it was in off-topic, tried to update my post. But regardless, it's Whimsycal, wouldn't surprise me if they did a BR like this seriously.


    I am very serious about this. And I will have to ask you to stop breaking the conduct rules lest I be forced to file a ban report on your person.

  6. MC name: Whimsycal


    Character's name and age: Shanka, 150-ish


    Character’s Race: Dark elf (Honorary orc)


    What magic will you be learning?: Elementalism


    Who will be teaching you?: Elphaba'Gorkil (kizumachan)

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: All previous magics I had, can't find the apps due to the forums being garbage, sorry.




    -Electric evocation


    (My char has not made use of any magics for over 2 IC decades)

  7. ((Dialogue in common for ease of reading))






    It was just another day in the orcish desert. The searing sun scoured the sands mercilessly. Off in the distance, the honorary uruk known as Shanka roamed the lonely roads. A sight catches her eye, two silhouettes off in the horizon. She decides to approach and investigate.


    As she approaches, she recognizes the orc Mok'han. Before him, a certain druid waves a trinket about, demanding passage. She narrows her gaze on the druid, recognizing the face with mild annoyance. She approaches the two, intending to figure out what's going on. Once she's close enough to listen to their conversation, everything becomes clear. It would appear the druid is trespassing, refusing to pay tribute.

    The elf spins a tale about a necklace given to him by a pevious rex, which allegedly grants free passage through uruk territory. The honorary scoffs at this. She knows well that no uruk, not even the rex, has the right to grant "protection" from Krug's will, for none are above Krug.


    The druid was given an ultimatum. Pay tribute, or pay in blood. The druid refused the first, then attempted to flee. It seems he had chosen the latter. The old druid's efforts were in vain, more orcs showed up on the road to give chase. Theycaught up with him and brought him down. As his lifeless body hit the ground, so did his staff. Strangely enough, the staff wailed and squirmed on the sands next to his slain master, quite the odd sight.


    Those gathered all stared at the staff cluelessly, unsure of what to do about it. All except Shanka, who knew exactly what to do. Such druidic gimmicks were of no surprise to her, she had leaned much about them in her past. She hastily picked up the staff and wrapped it up in leather, binding it tightly. The staff tried to resist, but it was futile. She turned to her brothers, slinging the leatherbound staff on her back.


    "This thing... it is an abomination, twisted druidic life. We must destroy it."  She said to them.

    "Then we will bring it to the lava pits, near the fort of Lak." Mok'han responded.

    "We must do it quickly... It knows what's coming." The staff rattled and shrieked from inside its bindings. They all nodded, not wasting any more time.


    They set off to the nearby pit, a fiery hole atop a small dune, lava flowing from the depths of the earth onto the surface. They climbed to the top and gazed down into the fiery cauldron. Shanka stepped forward, taking hold of the bound staff. It shrieked and wailed, sensing the immense heat from the environment. Just about as the staff was leaving the grasp of the honorary, flinging towards its doom, it made a last ditch effort. A surge of druidic energy, the staff grew a sharp branch right through the leather wrappings. It shot at great speed towards Shanka, piercing her right shoulder in the blink of an eye.

    And so it seemed that time stood still, with the staff hovering above the fiery pit, holding onto the elf's flesh. The orcs were speechless, until one of them suddenly gave the order to cut off the branch. But then Shanka slowly raised her arms. She coiled her hands around the stake piercing her shoulder. And with a pained groan, she ripped it from her flesh, leaving it to fall at last into its doom.


    The staff let out a final shriek as it was immolated, flames flaring up as they consumed the being. Shanka simply stood there, keeping a hand on the gaping wound, bandages stained cimson.

    "It had to be done..."



    Aren'iril is no more.

  8. Forums are garbage and staff too incompetent to fix them. Won't let me edit so just add this to my post.



    "On a serious note, good read. I might redirect some of those shitty insanity RPers to this link."

  9. Again, the hoes are unenchanted and even then, my enchanting skill is aengulic. The numbers have just been tweaked to such laughably low values that repairing is just not a thing anymore.

  10. Okay so, before this update I was able to repair unenchanted diamond hoes to full durability with one diamond. Now, I get a measly 500 durability on the firs repair. My blacksmithing level is legendary. Is this supposed to happen? I barely got less than 30% durrability from a single diamond, which will keep decaying with each successive repair, I'm better off crafting a whole new hoe instead of wasting a fortune repairing one now. Is this the intended effect of this update? Because if so, repairing has been absolutely destroyed.

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