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Posts posted by Runabarn

  1. Okay so, after a good while of tweaking optifine settings, crashes and whatnot I discovered that turning Fast Render on seemingly fixes the issue, it just makes the person an obnoxious shadeless block of whatever color their nametag is. I'd like to emphasize that this took me a while to find, and there are even reports of people without optifine having the same issue, they're pretty much doomed.


    The screenshot I posted was an ET, doing an event. For some illogical reason they had the glow effect on, which blinded just above half the people in the event. Even with no blindness, the ET was still a hideous single color sillouette. Seriously guys, we can't even see their skin, that's pretty damn shitty for roleplay, kills whatever scraps of immersion there may have been and seeing that thing for a long time can even be headache inducing, it's a really bright, obnoxious effect.


    I see no reason to keep this as a feature whatsoever. If you guys can't keep tabs on who you gave one of the most abusable tools in existence, by like simply writing their names down or something, then honestly you're garbage and shoul be ashamed of yourself.


    That's all I have to say.

  2. Spoiler
    On 8/28/2016 at 4:50 AM, Hedgehug said:

    MCname: Hedgehug


    Character name: Shagarath


    Base Fur colour: green?


    Eye Colour: red


    Any fur patterns, markings, scars? Specify if yes: no


    Want any Text in your artwork? Specify if yes: name: Shagawaff


    Want any additonal props/objects in your artwork? Specify if yes: staff?


    Armor or clothing?: loin cloth








  3. Spoiler
    On 8/28/2016 at 3:26 AM, Anadunae said:

    Name: Anadunae


    Character name: Garsto Leaff


    Base Fur colour: Ginger


    Eye Colour: Gray/Silvery Blue


    Any fur patterns, markings, scars? Specify if yes: There is a white streak on Garsto's skin. Please try implement this.


    Want any Text in your artwork? Specify if yes: "Flooffffyyyyy"


    Want any additonal props/objects in your artwork? Specify if yes: A little staff laying before the cat. Made of birch with a carbarum top!


    Armor or clothing?: Robes! Brown temple monk.







  4. On 8/28/2016 at 4:41 AM, Gusano Arentonio said:

    MCname: GusanoArentonio


    Character name: Dirk Novokain


    Base Fur colour: Orange-y


    Eye Colour: Light blue


    Any fur patterns, markings, scars? Specify if yes: Nah.


    Want any Text in your artwork? Specify if yes: Nah.


    Want any additonal props/objects in your artwork? Specify if yes: An orange (the fruit yes)


    Armor or clothing?: Current skin's shirt.







    22 hours ago, Space said:

    MCname: spaceofaids


    Character name: aeran


    Base Fur colour: **** if i care-- maybe the same red as his hair?


    Eye Colour: it's like a purplish edgy ik blame menarra


    Any fur patterns, markings, scars? Specify if yes: nope, but maybe if you could like make it look messy and unkempt?


    Want any Text in your artwork? Specify is yes: zerg 4 life


    Want any additonal props/objects in your artwork? Specify is yes: nope


    Armor or clothing?: yeah sure pick something from these


      Reveal hidden contents













  6. Hello, yes, I'm making characters into cats, like this:











    Price is 300 minas.

    Fill in this form and I'll get to you guys in order.





    Character name:


    Base Fur colour:


    Eye Colour:


    Any fur patterns, markings, scars? Specify if yes:


    Want any Text in your artwork? Specify if yes:


    Want any additonal props/objects in your artwork? Specify if yes:


    Armor or clothing?:




    I will send a forum PM to customers as I get to them. There I will ask for  payment, references, info on the char, etc.


    If for any reason or unforeseen event I am unable to finish your request, I will refund all money.






    - Additional props, pets/animals/companions and ridiculous requests are subject to slightly higher prices under my discretion. Will be discussed in PMs.

    - These are cats. I won't do dogs, bunnies or whatever. CATS.

    - Make sure to have handy some references for the clothing and/or armor. Keep in mind this is a chibi of sorts, huge amounts of detail will not carry over, so don't go crazy.

    - No, this doesn't count as Kharajyr artwork.


  7. Name: Kermina
    Age: 180 something
    Race (If not 
    mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: Stabbing and fishing
    How many will be moving in with you?: just me
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?: Okay.


    MC Name: Whimsycal




    The curtain falls. Darkness surrounds everything. Not even the pass of time itself can pierce the veil now.

    Everything is at a standstill, everything except her voice.


    "Just as my time comes to an end, time itself comes to a complete halt. What sick joke is this?"


    Her voice echoes in the void of her mind.



    "I was so desperate to get here, I was running out of time. But now that I am here, time is meaningless.

    "I could stay here... til the end of time... No, the only end that will arrive will be that of my own.

    It was quite a journey. Many bumps on the road. Many twists and turns.

    At one point it seemed like there was no path at all...

    Sometimes I swear I was walking outside of the path entirely, only to later find myself back on track inexplicably.

    I suppose I lived enough. My only regret is leaving so suddenly... I hope they can forgive me.

    Those left behind. Now it is my turn.

    Maybe one day I will see familiar faces again.

    I could stay here... reflect upon my life, upon what could have been, upon was could not be...

    No. My time is over, I must not delay. I go now, may the ancestors allow me by their side in the spirit realm."


    And the curtain rises once more. Light floods in and time resumes its pace.

    The incoming dagger coalesces once more and pierces her hearth. One beat, two beats, no more beats.


    The tale of Salendys has come to an end.




    ((Yes this is a PK))


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