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Posts posted by Runabarn

  1. I've always felt like the political structure of orcs plays a major role in keeping them down. The position of Rex can be extremely volatile and easily taken away. How many Rexes have there been that didn't make it through the first week?


    While one might argue that bringing constant change is a good thing, orcs do this far too frequently for it to be good. Good leaders are scarce, simply by statistics we can see that orcs get a ton of bad leaders in shorter times. And more often than not one Rex will completely oppose what the previous Rex did, undoing everything. This has made it hard for orcs to stick together consistently both as a nation and playerbase. These violent shifts of power occur at the very top and the shockwave reaches all the way to bottom shaking the entire system. And this happens all the time.


    Worst part is this isn't something that could be changed without angering a good portion of the orc playerbase. It has been that way since the very beginning of the server and at this point it has become too deeply rooted.


    Sure there are more problems and issues that trouble the orcs, but I feel like this is one that has never been properly addressed.

  2. Let's see here.


    -We have clerical healing, except for spooks.

    -Conjuration, but it makes spooks.

    -Fire evocation, but spooky.

    -We have electrical evocation, but spooky.

    -Transfiguration, spook version.


    There's nothing unique whatsoever about this magic.


    I stand by my original statement. This lore is unoriginal, pointless and unnecessary.

  3. I have attempted to craft these food boxes.


    The ones that ask for oak specificly will only work with oak wood. But those that ask for acacia wood will work with any wood type.


    I then attempted to store about 15 apples in a regular cart. It then displayed having 3.72 apples stored, confirming my suspicion that crates do indeed destroy food for no reason. Furthermore, when attempting to retrieve my remaining apples or interacting with the cart in any way a message pops up "The Food Cart is empty" and nothing else happens.


    Don't know what to tell you man, this is sloppy at best.

  4. What do you mean the food is lost? It gets outright deleted or what? And why do the more expensive box types have an increased "loss" percentage?


    Also is there a reason why the recipes requires specific types of wood? Seems completely arbitrary and pointless. Any wood type should work.

  5. I don't think I could ever support someone with a ban record as extensive and an attitude as consistently poor as this guy's. He has proven time and time again that he cannot be trusted, and his behaviour has seen no discernable improvement despite having a total ban time of many, many months.



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