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Kickstarted and Running

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kickstarted and Running

  1. I have gotten my posts up to 4.06! Break out the ale! It's party time!

  2. I hope you get eccepted as a moderator

  3. 3.54 posts per day... Must keep going... Always something new and interesting...

  4. I do believe I have alot of friends on here. Maybe I better go for the gold and get the most...

  5. So, as it turns out, it's no Java. In all my many monthes of playing I though it was. Well as it turns out it's my driver software. Time to beign the arduos task of updating it. At least I am banned so I can do this. It'll be good to do something productive.

  6. I can't play Minecraft cause my Java Binary is unresponsive. :( I'm gonna reinstall it to see if that helps. If anyone knoes hoe I can fix it I would be greatly supportive.

  7. haha! 3.14 posts a day! Mission complete.

  8. Up to 2.92 a day! Must keep posting...

  9. Yaa!! Thank you for helping make this server possible!!!! Long live thedangerdan! Long live thedangerdan!

  10. AHHH!!! Down to 2.58 posts per day! Must post!!!

  11. Must get 3 posts per day. Go big or go home...

  12. 2.58 posts a day and rising...

  13. I post WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too much. I am at 2.47 posts a day. This is becoming a habit... must find willpower to break it. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! *blinks* AHHHHHHH!!!! I LOST!!!!!!!! Well it seems I don't have the willpower friends. Time to keep posting...

  14. Ishould donate to Bedrock! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! JK THOUGH GUYS!!!!! THATS ALOT!!!!! I will end up donating like $50-$100. Eventuall I will get up to $200. Someday..... So anyway, I have been pondering how long Minecraft will be around. I hope for a while.

  15. He will most likely look at it gavin. Have hope.

  16. I am being kept banned because of a previous post. This is justice, I will not take it down so others may learn form my mistakes. I await a response on my appeal either approving or denying my unbanning.

  17. When I get unbanned, I am going to be starting a guild with my friend. We will be a merc group and we will also sell and buy akmost anything. We will need some people with evil apps approved so we can take evil missions. Let me know if you're interested.

  18. We should apply for a guild that includes a store and we can be a merc service too.

  19. I have asked 8 or 9 admins/GM's about my ban and it hasn't been answered except by Respiren who said my ban was my fault which I even said. He then locked the topic. Can you please check out my new appeal?


  20. Can you check out my appeal? I don't think I did anything at all besides forgetting to turn off my computer. Here is my ban appeal.


  21. I also made a new appeal with revisions stating I take FULL responsibilty as it's my account.

  22. Resparin pretty much said too bad and locked the topic. He said I shared the ban with my brother. This is my first ban though. I think this is unfair. I then made a new appeal with revisions saying I take full blame as it's my account.

  23. Resparin pretty much said too bad and locked the topic. He said I shared the ban with my brother. This is my first ban though. I think this is unfair.

  24. I have PM'd 8!! Count em 8 staff admins/GM's and have gotten no response. This is getting annoying. I was actually gonna donate but if I don't get a response you guys can forget it! I just want to know who banned me and why!

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