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Kickstarted and Running

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Status Updates posted by Kickstarted and Running

  1. I dedicate this song to you Will!

  2. Very true, it's prolly an internet problem.

  3. I will increase your rep! Also, Will is staring at my profile page and it creeps me out. I think he wants some trains...

  4. Don't worry about Will, mines higher so I am more speial and he just is mad he broke his train set.

  5. Also, my rep is more higherererer than ours, that makes ME the most specialist here and I get to take speial classes and you don't! Hah! Go play with your trains!

  6. I'm watching... I'm always watching . . . *blinks* AHHHHH I HAVE FAILED! Oh well. I just gotta keep going. *continues to stare at Will's profile for hours on end*

  7. Oh hey, theres a banner add that says "download" with no other info around or near it. ets go click on it now. There can't be anything shady about that. Everyone knows that the internet is only full of kind caring people who don't want to ruin your computer.

  8. Lets all just go to Wills profile and stay on it so he thinks we're stalking him and watching him.

  9. Have you noticed that Respiren had been off for arounf=d a week? He either gave up on us, or he is experiencing major power problems. He could be dead too. I hope that isn't true though. He's one of my favorites, I see him as a harsh fatherly figure . . . Maybe I shouldn't have type that. . . I am leaving now. *Walks off into the horizon as the sun sets*

  10. Yuppers, just remember, i'm always LOOKING out for you. *gives creepy stare* And never, EVER EVER EVER EVER let anybody tell you that you aren't snazzy looking Will. :) I was listening that day. . .

  11. It was a picture that said "I like trains" that I gave as an early Christmas present. :)

  12. Did you like that picture I sent to you?

  13. What shall we do without him? I think the undead might just kill us all! Then the orcs will eat our parents...

  14. I'm gonna go play Skyrim while I wait for this unban. Also I think Respiren internet went out. He hasn't been on latley.

  15. It seems I am still banned... Meh, i'll give it a couple days.

  16. Thank you for the unban Respiren! :)

  17. You're gonna get banned from the forums. They will mostlikely ban your ip too.

  18. "You see a 15 year old girl holding a 1 year old baby. They call her a ****, but they don't know that she was raped at age 13. They see another person. They call him fat, but they don't know that he has a disease that makes him obease. They see a girl, she is bald. They call her ugly, but they don't know that she has cancer which makes her bald." -James Lamb

    1. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model


    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's true though. I am against stereotyping and bullying 100%. There is a difference between friendly jibes and bullying.

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