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Kickstarted and Running

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Status Updates posted by Kickstarted and Running

  1. Does anyone remembering playing through the KOTORs several times? I dod, KOTOR 2 was a little smoother, but 1 was the best. Also, KOTOR stands for Knights of The Old Republic. It's Star Wars. New one cmes out today/tomorrow dependning on time zones.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Also, support the Pheonix King and purge the traitors!

    2. Trouvo


      that wont bode well for you in rp

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Lol, you're meeting the Phoenix King today RL. I wonder how this is gonna turn out. Dun dun dun!

  2. Just posted my VA app! If you have RP'd with me, feel free to refernace! I also, didn't post any refernace as it seems rude to voulenteer others to comment.

  3. You're a strange character you are. You seem pretty nervous and timid for a doctor too.

  4. "From the ashes a fire will be woken. A light from the shadow shall spring. Renewed shall be blade that was brokem. Th Crownless, again shall be king." This is the best worded prophecy ever.

  5. I do believe I have the flu. It musta been the sick people in the hospital when I picked up my brother. Thrown up twice so far. Feel like crap. Gonna go watch a movie. Do diplomatic stuff tomorrow. . .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Also, I am going to start referring to halflings as either Hobbits, or fat hobbits. Gotta love Gollum.

    3. Volutional


      Filthy FAT Hobbit!

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Smeagul would never hurt a fly! *smacks head and kills fly. Ahh! He's a hobbit! Filthy fat Hobbit!

  6. I don't like your picture. It scares me.

  7. You spent some time on this defination, huh Will? Also, I love the cape.

  8. I was tickling people on Kings road and accusing Thral'mar's accomlice of touching me. Whch he did. He poked me. I poked back. Then they enslved some girl. I felt bad for not trying to help. Ehh, that life though.

  9. I should start a guild. It will be called the Followers of Respiren. We will do as he says, and follow him everywhere. He shall be our leader too.

    1. Pliz


      Isn't this... sort of.. the druids?

    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Kickstarted and Running
  10. Haha, just saw a message in my inbox titled ";)" and when I saw it I went "Huh, who's this from" then I saw it was from Respiren and I went "Oh crap!" and jumped in my seat. He kept me banned so I could spend more time with my brother. Lol. Silly goose. . .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. realslimshady


      That's alright. Well, hope to meet you IC soon, you seem like you would be interesting IC.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I hope so. Already met Thral within 3 minutes of being on. It was fun.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I hope so. Already met Thral within 3 minutes of being on. It was fun.

  11. Where is this "Down Under" you are located at?bAre you a Morlock or something?

  12. Hey dude. Long time no talk. Lol.

  13. My brother's surgery was a perfect success! They sent us home after a bit so he could rest and I can only see him a few hours a day as he needs tons of rest. He was smiling when he saw us though. He recognized me through his drugged up entry and exit of the operating room. That made me feel good. Nothing can bring me down right now.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      That's nice to hear

    3. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      Give him LOTC's best regards!

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      I did, and he said "Is that the server I got you banned from?" I then laughed for so hard and I don't know why. It was prolly his face. He had this face that made him look like he was thinking the hardest anyone has in their life.

  14. From the unbal appeal where that guy was posting "facts" and editing real info to suit his needs.

  15. Hey, are you in trouble from the admins aboutwhat happened i that appeal?

  16. How dare you blaspheme on Shift's page! :P

  17. Got through to Shift! It was about some recomended plugins. I'm really gonna try to make a great impression now that I have more time. Also, brother's surgery tomorrow. So nervous. . .

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Also, I dislike when people can't actually but Minecraft and go get an illegal copy.

  18. Shift is ignoring me... I sent him an apology and I asked nicely for a certain thing (not my unban, im not an idiot) and I don't know what to do. I know what I did wrong, and it's just not working out. I thought we were cool to. . . I guess not. . .

    1. Hiebe


      He may be too busy to reply. :)

    2. MrRinkachi


      Like Hiebe said, admins are busy people in LotC.

      You'll just have to wait for a bit, I'm sure. ^^

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      I sent a message a while ago and it still hasnt been replied to. I hope he didnt delete them. He might not have seen them though... Just gotta hope...

  19. I got let into the hospital because we threatened to bring lawers involed if they didn't because we are family and they can't deny us access unless my brother is deathly contagious with like, the Black Plaugue or Small Pox which he isn't. He just need to wait till Wednesday for his transplant. They don't like me at all. Except for the nurses and cafeteria people. The cafeteria down there has some bomb pie. . .

  20. The people at the hospital kicked me out saying only imdeiate family members today and saying I was only his friend. I then persisted to tell them I was his brother, he told them that, and so did our parents. e then all got kicked out for "failure to comply" which is total B.S. cause all hey would have needed to do is look it up. This is crap.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Kragnak


      thats terrible.. what kind of fascist hospital are you at..?

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Tey just don't want me in there for some reason. And maybe I should do a movie-style rampsge...

  21. What is this 'blarping' that is happening?

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