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Status Replies posted by gingernut97

  1. What do tigers dream of... When they take a little tiger snooze...

  2. Hey! could I get 1K profile views please? I would be so happy. And remember to write ''Number 1000'' when you do it :)

  3. where do i fing the server ip

  4. POTATOES, Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a stew!

  5. That moment when you realize what "asl" on Omegle means... x___x'

  6. That moment when you realize what "asl" on Omegle means... x___x'

  7. I just watched this hilarious Goyte "Somebody that I used to know" parody, which correctly portrays how I feel about the Star Wars franchise now.

  8. STEAM F-ING SUMMER SALE! There goes all my monies :(

  9. So cold... So very cold...

  10. I wanted to watch Soylent Green today, since my sister isn't around to make fun of me for watching sci-fi, but then every single site ever spoiled it for me. Thanks, internet.

  11. I wanted to watch Soylent Green today, since my sister isn't around to make fun of me for watching sci-fi, but then every single site ever spoiled it for me. Thanks, internet.

  12. Ever since the Dawnguard DLC and the walking dead I'v been obsessed with crossbows, any good crossbow deals in the UK?

  13. Bored of all my music now, any one know any good clutch albums?

  14. If i can only get 3 games this year, would you recommend getting Arma 2, combined operations and downloading the DayZ mod?

  15. Slender ? What is this Slender ?

  16. Getting so bored, no one at Legion camp to RP with :/ I better start watching some Doctor Who whilst I'm waiting...again

  17. COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. Thuum has aske me to reduce my signature, and while I'm editing the picture to make it smaller, he warns me? 1. LOOK AT OTHER PEOPLES FRIGGIN SIGNATURES! And 2. IT'S NOT THAT BIG! others have signatures twice as big as mine!

  18. Is waiting for the server to come back up whilst watching Doctor Who

  19. i cant wirte a application

  20. Thank you so much disney for screwing up every marvel character I love, I just hope you don't ruin Deadpool and turn it into another kids movie...


  22. Leaving on vacation to france tomorrow, won't be able to acces the internets for two weeks. Someone keep a diary for me

  23. Finally cleared my desk, now to vigorously rub off the mug stains whilst watching criken

  24. As LoreMaster and Event Team Comrade, I will be playing a Giant for a bit, one player has managed to take me down, congratulations. What will you do if you saw a Giant?

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