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Status Replies posted by gingernut97

  1. Going out to a fancy restaurant in my fancy chinos for my Dads birthday. Am I the only one who prefers TGI Fridays to going to a fancy restaurant!?!

  2. Bleh. Am I the only one who's not really excited for 1.3? The only things I find that will make LoTC improved are Emeralds, Lag fixes, Books, and Tripwires. What I truly wish, is that they will stop holding back modding API.

  3. Breakfast: Consisting of Thai sweet pringles and flat dr peper. Because you don't want to see your family.

  4. If I see one more 'ALIENS' post I'm going to lose it. It was funny the first three times, this is just idiotic.

  5. I DEMAND YOU ALL GO GET THE UPDATED VERSION ON HAWKS MODPACK! It is sooo kewwllllll. Tell your friends it is out!

  6. Ahhhhh! How do I do spolier? is it

    ? or /spoiler ? or is it [/spoiler blah blah blah] ???

  7. Ahhhhh! How do I do spolier? is it

    ? or /spoiler ? or is it [/spoiler blah blah blah] ???

  8. Ahhhhh! How do I do spolier? is it

    ? or /spoiler ? or is it [/spoiler blah blah blah] ???

  9. *throws a master ball at Native*

  10. I FOUND THE SONG! Agh, after sitting here for nearly 10min, I remembered one word, "Electric." Using this, and the word "Song", I managed to find the song. It's Electric Feel by MGMT

  11. *throws a master ball at Native*

  12. What do you think? A walking castle for the Mages Guild!

  13. Does anyone know if Lord of the Rings is Available Instantly on Netflix?

  14. Let the truth be known!

  15. Character lost his entire arm yesterday... TIME TO RESEARCH KICK-ASS ARM REPLACEMENTS!

  16. You've been trolled, you've been trolled, yes you've probably been told. Don't reply to this guy, he is just getting a rise. Out of you! Yes it's true! You reply and that's his cue to start trouble on the double while he strokes his manly stubble. You've been trolled, you've been trolled, you should probably just fold, when the only winning move is not to play. Yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying. You've been trolled, you've been trolled...

  17. I'll be trying to take part in forum roleplay not in game roleplay for reasons stated in my last statues :/

  18. I'll be trying to take part in forum roleplay not in game roleplay for reasons stated in my last statues :/

  19. How does one insert a link into MC chat?

  20. Still alive after making steak meddalions! +1000000 XP In cooking. c:

  21. Just made my own dinner by grilling burgers that turned out to be delicious and unburnt, now wondering if I have food poisoning..I'll yet you guys know in the morning

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