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Status Replies posted by Achilles

  1. Downloading LoL

  2. Out of the staff that left, I'm only going to miss native, Liri, and Schwan.

  3. Anyone else hear The Hobbit will be a trilogy?

  4. Had a pretty bad cold today. Got home tired from school, and just relaxed. I'll get back to my duties of beating Mogroka at the daily post count tomorrow I suppose. http://gyazo.com/56ab903f79bad95de7428e9373a62e14

  5. Any ETA on 2.5? Getting tired of doing RP that doesn't really "count".

  6. Will the dark elf racism come down to killing Tanith in the White Rose kitchen?

  7. Just had my pre-purge VA denied... I've been rping a villian very sucessfully for over a year now...do you think that's fair...?

  8. D'awww.. Wrote a beautiful post, and had my 5 minutes of fame. It was fun whilst it lasted.

  9. Journal Update, Day 5: "Having my locker next to five girls at school has been...odd, actually. My presence does not seem to disturb their natural habitat, and they are quite comfortable speaking about private things over my shoulder. I wonder if they know that I know that they have a slumber party tonight..."

  10. My mission has failed. I have a cold/flu. :(

  11. I used to be an Adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.

  12. Wow, I can see insulting me IC, but when you ******* emote "hylianmuffin is a monster, " I die a little inside. Please, go ******* die.

  13. Need help with a Kha' skin ; - ;

  14. Yes. I am a cowboy robot. Do you have a problem with this development?

  15. Galahar will burn ^^.

  16. I just got untainted... A bit awkward since I wasn't tainted to begin eith, but it's the thought that counts... right?

  17. Stored about 3 tons of TnT under Winterfell.. Apparently a Undeads Lightning bolt hit it.. Boy that plan backfired..

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