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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Areon

  1. Whats up with all the Pugsy'ing appeals lately?

  2. Whats up with all the Pugsy'ing appeals lately?

  3. Whaz good homie?

  4. Why is micheal jackson bad at chess?

    1. Areon


      Because he is dead.

    2. Areon


      Because he is dead.

    3. Ever


      too soon

      rip glorious leader

  5. Why you So Log Off when I get unafk?

  6. Would anyone be willing to make me a skin for free or cheap?

  7. WoW Extended Maintenence. RAIG.

  8. Writing a paper, Quick. I need old medieval or Greek-age insults

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Glasiconas


      You lack the wit of an ass!

    3. EpicSmith


      Thou is puny, like little babby!

    4. Pum!


      You Malaka

  9. wtb skin help pls pls pls

  10. Y u no answer skype.

  11. Y U NO ONLINE?

  12. Yet another "Fun" day of having no character to play on.

  13. You can't corner the Dorner.

    1. Lykos


      I don't know what to believe considering all of that situation, but I do know that Dorner, no matter how noble his manifesto makes him seem, is a f***ing psycho. It doesn't matter what the parent does, you don't go threatening to kill their children and sh*t.

      Though the LAPD has killed more people in their search for him then him himself.

    2. xmrsmoothx


      That's offensive!

  14. You never said you hate me. You said No one likes me.

  15. You said you will be on all day. Lies, I am dissapoint.

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