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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Maximas1211

  1. Mali'aheral v Mori

    This will be fun >;D

  2. Mcdonald has the answer! Jokes, don't you dare go there! >:D

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :D

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :D

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New year

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New year

  7. Merry Chrsitmas and Happy New Year

  8. Miss rping with you.. When did we last RP? Also Yes that's my new character "Altasriel" the weird High elf ^_^..

  9. Miss you so much.. :'( Always made me laugh..

  10. My gift to you~

    A flame once forgotten,

    living on hopes and dreams,

    ignited with your touch,

    this flame inside, now burns bright.

    I've become something beyond what I truly am;

    I'm lucky I have a friend like you;

    a friend who is kind and generous,

    who lifts me up when I feel down,

    who brightens my day with her smile,

    all I can say ...

  11. Nikias still want help with the Laptop problem

  12. Ogedi.. How could I have RPed with you only 2 times. That's unacceptable, I'm going to hunt you down, and RP with you forever :3, Nuff' said.

  13. Playing a Weird High Elf Scholar is so much fun!

    1. Zazarus


      Huh, really? Time to get a Character carousel going then!

    2. Sporadic


      Playing a High Elf is just fun in general <3

  14. Request sent! See you there :D

  15. Rest In Peace, friend. You'll be missed.

  16. Sadly no... Wanted to go, but they said no :'( Was looking forward to it, hope you enjoyed it, though! ^_^

  17. Same.. They forgot my order.. those bastards!

  18. See's people changing there avatar to 'The Lord of the Craft'* .. Pumpkin and Neko are slowly taking over the server than the world! XD

    1. pumpkin_eaters


      It is the new default avatar. Vaq went all yell-ie at me. So it is themed up a bit now.

    2. Maximas1211


      lol yeah I love it.. But it could be your plan O_o..

    3. Maximas1211


      lol yeah I love it.. But it could be your plan O_o..

  19. Smelly.. (jk) Hello, my friend. Enjoying your day? :)

  20. Sorry again for spamming your profile, will you be on tomorrow? I'm hoping we could RP soon. ^_^

  21. Sorry I haven't been on lately, currently doing a number of tests, study, training for IT (Coding, etc) , editing, graphics.. etc.. And I work triple the time.. ._. sorry man..

    Hope I get to talk to you again and RP with you again.. !

  22. Spam have you got a Steam account?

  23. Spam pm me your steam username I add you :D. Even know your never on it :D

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