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Zeddicus Fyren

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Status Replies posted by Zeddicus Fyren

  1. what do the little dots under my avatar represent? Everyone has different amounts, i have 5?

  2. I cannot think of a new character.

  3. I got a my own account!!.... does this mean I have to make another App?

  4. Come visit as at Alras! x

  5. My rep is one.....I feel unloved

  6. About to post a picture of me. :/ on the Show Yourself topic.

  7. About to post a picture of me. :/ on the Show Yourself topic.

  8. Good morning world!

  9. I c application team reading my new application, but no reply's whats up with that?

  10. And as the rain came down on his face, he screamed out breaking my heart into a million pecies. He ran and as he did I fell to my knees and sobbed, he had always loved me no mattter what the consequences....and he still does -Kya Silverblade

  11. I need to know from my fellow peeps who RP with me, if I make a VA for Kya's split personality would you support it? *looks at everyone with irresistable puppy eyes*

  12. If I made a server for a few of us to roleplay on untill the server reaches 250+. would any of you join it? (Its a 1.1 server.) No plugins, just roleplay.

  13. * gets in a tbowing position* 400 hundred slots....the day of flaming is now over.

  14. how do i downgrade if i havent saved any of the updates

  15. Screw this i'm going on Wizard101

  16. I've just resorted to trolling on facebook, i'm not going to get on LOTC tonight...

  17. I'm done. I don't like how much the forums and server have changed since Spetember. I know this may ruin lots of RP, but I just can't deal with alot of these new people who think they know what's what when they clearly don't. I like the new map, but it's the players who define the game. My firend once told me "The thing that matters most in a game, is not the graphics or content, it's the players" and i'm sticking with this. Bye guys.

  18. Okay...I am officilly pissed off, MOST donators that are kicking havent even been on in like a year! plus they cant even RP correctly!

  19. *rage* Bringing home a herd and got kicked

  20. Will a few non-donators please log off so I can activate my donation and then kick you? Trololo

  21. GETTING MAD, haha I really wanna play :( should raise to 250

  22. THIS is why I got up at six in the morning to play XP Lotc is like traffic to get on ALWAYS be the early bird

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