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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Wretched

  1. Thanks Danny! Wuv you forever!

  2. Having a massive lore breaking thing going down. If you see any Kharajyr living off the island please message me their usernames so I can confirm it.

  3. Herro from France~ Going to be slightly inactive for the next 2 weeks due to internet issues here.

  4. My lovely lore has been vastly updated to the magic team requirements. If you've been interested in the lore before - go update yourself ^_^ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65672-magic-lore-nymphridia-wraiths/

  5. Ever had problems with realism before? Then come stop by my post some time! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/74537-the-great-quest-for-realism/

  6. Just realised it's been over a year since I joined now. Yay.

  7. Get online! Knox brings gifts!

  8. Haha. I assure you my name was completely random, that is a bit strange mind.

  9. Apparently I cant send you messages so I sent you an E-mail :) Forgot to add my name so I thought I would let you know here it was me.

  10. *stalks Xerdun's profile*

  11. Yay for 500 posts!

  12. I lol'd at all the people asking to speak to you.

  13. Read Xerdun's post you! :P

  14. Congratulations with your new position Alan! I know you will do great!

  15. *stalks profile*

  16. Congratulations on GM. I'm sure you will be a great addition to the GM team.

  17. Dat's ok Sala. See you friday then!

  18. Yay for 1000 posts!

  19. -Returns the profile stalking-

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