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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. Goooooooooooodbye LOTC!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nickdabeast135


      *sighs with relief, thought you meant you were quitting LotC forever..

    3. 154684321654951


      *shakes fist angrily*

    4. Swgrclan


      *Almost had a heart attack*

  2. Guild Wars 2....Ok, Now you got me a game I want. o.o

    1. Praetor


      Thanks Diwawa :3

  3. No...no!!! The use of pink writing in the forums is spreading! o.o Simonbane, I will eat your heart.

    1. Taiga


      -Laughs Maniacally-

      Soon, my army of pinkness shall dominate even the status sections...

      Oh, and I'm Syrenne. Who's this SimonBane you speak of?

  4. You better get your app accepted ^-^.

  5. Wrath!!!!! :O

  6. -sexyhug- HERROOOO ^-^

  7. Day 23 of coughing: People starting to believe I'm in terminal death phase

  8. D: -cries and keeps a slot open for her-

  9. -smacks- Get on LOTC! D:

  10. I found Jena and Altariel IRL :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Queen of Aegis
    3. Praetor






    4. Praetor


      ^Altariel..and now for Jena....Oh, Jena only said she looks a bit like her...BUT I DENY THAT!




  11. Lol, seeing a Strike Report on some awful RP, and for some reason he's getting more no's than yes's for guilty o.o

    1. Cappy


      Fortunately it's completely irrelevant.

  12. -flails MOAR- By the way, Altariel became an orc pet :3

  13. No, but what I mean is that I feel like some of us are going anti-lore, and positivly trying to be friends.
  14. -sigh- Why can't we just despise them, and be arrogant, and not want to talk to them? I feel we should be distainful, and not even try to be their equals, or their allies..but ah well.
  15. Hmm.....Try my luck at FM...

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      good luck Iss I will totally support you, you seem the right guy for it. calm, alot on the forums, mature and BoomBox hater! XD

    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      good luck Iss I will totally support you, you seem the right guy for it. calm, alot on the forums, mature and BoomBox hater! XD

  16. How I'm copying:

  17. Actually only watched Das Boot in full today. -fanboys-

  18. Had the most horrible throat ache this night. :

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swgrclan


      D:! Hope yew get better. :3

    3. Aislin
    4. Maximas1211


      D: :'( *Pets Issbaner* You'll be alright >:D

  19. Killing Is off, Jena next to him...So sad D:

    1. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      What? I don't understand that sentence...

    2. Praetor


      Issbaner, AKA Iss. My char

  20. SUSHI! 9.5/10 just because I never saw you IC! D:
  21. That moment when you realise you barely escaped death.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      or that moment whena women doesnt see you on your scooter and becuz of your fast reaction you only slided across the road asnd bumped into a car. and the only thing broken on you is your helmet....and a total wrecked scooter...

    3. CowsGoMoo


      That moment when... you never had any of those moments. ;m;

    4. Adkai


      That moment when an orc tells you to leave, then he says halt, then he kills you slowly... Yeah, that happened!

  22. Pushing people off cliffs~...

  23. GMT+1, but I never see you either! D:! I also made a Kharjayr charatcer, but I think i' might buy an alt account for Altariel.

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