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Status Replies posted by moosehunter123

  1. Here's an old end of Aegis event storyboard for a video.. January 2012


  2. All other minecraft servers work but lotc for me why do you do dis to me minecraft.

  3. Um can anyone else join lotc?

    1. moosehunter123


      Yeah I keep getting java.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by a remote host

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. JUst want to get some opions on a blade tht can be put into a gantlent and can be pulled it not a spring loaded blade like Assassin creed

  5. JUst want to get some opions on a blade tht can be put into a gantlent and can be pulled it not a spring loaded blade like Assassin creed

  6. JUst want to get some opions on a blade tht can be put into a gantlent and can be pulled it not a spring loaded blade like Assassin creed

  7. My computer can't run Planetside 2. *cries*

  8. My family just signed my death sentence. I wonder what they were thinking when they let a killer in the palace. Fuuuuu...

  9. Well Khabbi, I'm gonna miss you. *begins to cry in the corner.*

  10. It's effing cold in canada right now -.-

    1. moosehunter123


      Well the Albertan sure don't we have the oil feilds MUHAHAHHAHA

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Quote of the day: "Yeah, that smile's about to turn into a frown and then blood." Guess who...

  12. Quote of the day: "Yeah, that smile's about to turn into a frown and then blood." Guess who...

  13. oh my god oh my god! Cant log in! *starts hyperventilating*

    1. moosehunter123


      Why can't i log in *Rage throws ddos'ers to the ground!"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. oh my god oh my god! Cant log in! *starts hyperventilating*

    1. moosehunter123


      Why can't i log in *Rage throws ddos'ers to the ground!"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. If in some future I got Fear 3, would anyone wanna do a co-op with me?

    1. moosehunter123


      ive played a fear a couple time very good game

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. We found a shrine to Iblees, she is a female and can apparently be tamed by cookies

    1. moosehunter123


      Can i haz her? have a basement full of cookie's :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. We found a shrine to Iblees, she is a female and can apparently be tamed by cookies

    1. moosehunter123


      Can i haz her? have a basement full of cookie's :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Um... is it an awkward sign when you go into your room and your male cat is laying on your bed, showing off his genitils, (can't spell that) and looking up at you? ... I have to admit I'm a little creeped out.

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