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Status Updates posted by Silvanus_Greenleaf

  1. Is the server down i can't reach it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fenodyree


      Even so! It took Columbus months on end to reach America.

    3. Religious_Pie


      We aren't going by sea btw, native has picked up all the boats up, put them in his bag, and jumped over the seas to the new world.


    4. Silvanus_Greenleaf


      Lol i hope he jumps far enough XD

  2. As a elf ,there is no where to travel to......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silvanus_Greenleaf


      I meant the 3 main cities of other races,Al'Khazar(Oren in general)is infested with undead,we are not welcome in Sanjezal,The only place we can go is Malinor(duh it's our country) or Kal'Urguan

    3. Praetor


      Mhm....I still go to Galahar and Alras..and explore...Adn the Shuuhei company....and the Harvets guard....and more....and more.....andmore... :D ((but then, I'm no elf.))

    4. Silvanus_Greenleaf


      Alras is undead and Galaharians have fled to Kal'Urguan

  3. Hooray,there is finally a boat from Malinor to the Mainland :D And its free of charge :DDDD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Respiren


      The coast :3

    3. Trouvo


      ^ to the other coast :3

    4. Silvanus_Greenleaf


      Its near the entrance of Normandor

  4. Got bugged by my soulstone under the streets of Normandor,just my luck D:

    1. Αμφίονας


      You can not believe how Much more worse it could be.

    2. Alakabam


      If you get stuck in a wall just relog and it will teleport you above all the pain..

  5. Happy new year to everyone in lord of the craft server and forum

    1. Silvanus_Greenleaf


      How do I get reputation on the forum?

  6. Must we register a new character?

  7. To everyone at Normandor when i accidentally opened the gate,Im sorry,it was a big mistake,I will do whatever you need me to do to fix the mess.

    1. Volutional


      Zombies everywhere?

  8. When will the server be 1.1?

  9. I saw your comment on my profile Destroyer ,I used a link skin because I could find a skin that suited my preferences.But if you could suggest a few skins that might have my approval,please send them to my profile.I will search for one as well

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