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Samson (Derick)

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Status Updates posted by Samson (Derick)

  1. *eyes widen as he looks over his page* I'm an old hat?!!?!? Huray!!!!

  2. I agree cloaked. He's been -1ing all my things for like 3 weeks now.

  3. It messages you automatically when you get a comment.

  4. Hmmm, deciding wether to play medieval II totaly war, or play garry's mod. SO MANY CHOISES! =3

  5. Hope you get accepted. =3

  6. Well come to LOTC! =)

  7. Did you get my message about people I refered to LOTC?

  8. I'm convinced that LOTC, needs less just run around bandit villians, and just a few guys who are sneaky, and don't make other peoples lives crap. =/

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Cyndikate


      We still have Bandits? I thought the VA revamp back in february fixed this.

    3. Divinus


      lol many call me a villain looking for items, but in all truth, I just like creating enemies in the game and people that work together to try and kill me haha.

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      lol, we do, and they are more then like 60% of the server population it feels.

  9. Renati! I can get online Sunday!

  10. Thanks bro, it means alot. Divinus is -1ing all my stuff.

  11. Thanks bro, it means alot. Divinus is -1ing all my stuff.

  12. Grab a knife, and act like your fighting me on a cam! Or just watch me act like an idot. http://tinychat.com/jfdbi

  13. *Hugs his papa* I'll see you Sunday papa!

  14. Da problem with towns right now, most of them barly have anyone in them...We need to take the little towns, an distroy them. Then make people move into big towns. Better RP dat way.

    1. Hiebe


      go to fixing wilds topic in AIC area

    2. bungo


      Allow the Orcs to do a widespread demolition of every single town. Problems = Solved.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Vekaro, I agree. Let them declare war really easily.

  15. Isn't it great, when you're in computer class, and when you're playing minecraft, your teacher walks up behind you. But insted of saying "You should be working." He says "Ohhhh, what texture pack is that?"

    1. EmeraldStag


      +12 the teacher's 1 post

    2. Samson (Derick)
  16. Ohhh! Welcome to resistance!

  17. *walks up on a wooden platform, and slicks back his hair, then tightens his tie. He then stares off into the sunset dramatically and says in a deep voice "I'm Derick Therving, and I approve this man."*

  18. Wow, that really means alot to me talfagoron. Thanks bro. =3

  19. I may be joining a LARP leauge. =3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kote (luigimario77)
    3. EmeraldStag


      If i were a LARP, I'd have a sword like cloud's from FFVII

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      I'm a scout class. I have a lightly foamed short-sword, and a bow. I'm "Derick Therving" lol. I can't wait for our first RP.

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