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Everything posted by lugarthecougar

  1. Off to bed after a long day at work. A lot of work to do on the server tomorrow.. Hopefully minecraft will decide to work by then!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lugarthecougar


      * Check yourself before you wreck yourself Guivret :p



      * We are both Dukes Guivret

    4. steelersfan1221
  2. I agree, I would love to help you out once a day is set and such!
  3. Sometimes I wish I had a special forum tag >.

  4. So I log on to the forums only to see the new update with some amazing changes! Can't wait to get home tomorrow and get back to running my County and checking out the changes from 2.6!

  5. Well, time to get on the road, New York here I come!

  6. What a beautiful day to stay inside and read through the fourms!

    1. Sawses


      Very much so. First real day of summer vacation for me. What do I do? Sit on my rear and play the PC.

  7. You know, we're neighboring nobles and I have yet to meet you IC yet :(

  8. *is really hoping he can get onto the App Team*

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is eating right now, and cannot approve nor deny this.

    2. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      Lee is eating panda right now, and cannot approve nor deny this. Due to the panda is running away.

  9. I really need someone to RP my son :(

  10. Wait at the store for D3, get home and wait 3 and 1/2 hours for servers to go live.. It's 3:36 AM and I can't get on.. What's all this aboot Blizzard?

  11. "And nine...nine rings were gifted to the race of Men...who above all else, desire power."

    1. ryno2


      ...and look where that got them.

  12. How did I not get into Game of Thrones before this!?

    1. Haelphon


      Winter's Coming...

    2. Haelphon


      And so am I...

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Thats just nasty Acer

  13. I was looking out over Ursakar and this song was just stuck in my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR2uWRzrao8&feature=relmfu

  14. Who knew RP'ing a 4 year old would be so tough!

    1. Kote (luigimario77)

      Kote (luigimario77)

      Your so cute though :P

  15. I need to find someone hiring a cook..

  16. C-C-C-C Cobble Breaker!

  17. Miner? I barely even know her!

  18. Ah, thank yo very much, once I find my compatriot we will head out.
  19. From where am I heading south? The camps?
  20. Are you in need of any merchants or Lumbermen? A companion and I are looking to make our way out of these awful slums they call camps.
  21. The app: Minecraft name: lugarthecougar fourms name: lugarthecougar in character name: Eryndir Lithviel A bit about your self: I may be an elf but for some reason I am in love with exploring the underside of this grand world and collecting it's many bounties! your mining skills and level: my mining level is 12 at the moment and my smithing level is 6 (( I just started haha)) and I'm not sure if this matters but my lumberjack skill is 15 time zone/ country of residence: EST/ USA EDIT: My mining skill is now 28 and blacksmithing is 17
  22. Application: MC Name: lugarthecougar RP Name: Eryndir Lithviel Race: Elf Skill Levels: As of now I have no real skill levels but am willing to train hard Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
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