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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Heero

  1. Seth, come on. Just a few more posts and you'll get Old Hat. But since you've been around for over a year, you'll also achieve Total Top Hat! Go Sethy, go!

  2. Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead.

  3. R.I.P. Maeghan. You're still greatly missed.

  4. Damnit Riot! D:http://gyazo.com/ded7e8eff231b83f89b0dceb7ae5769a.png

  5. Happy belated womb-escape day Urasept~

  6. Felt you needed to see this.
  7. Not again. ;~;

  8. Rilath makes me wanna go around and whack people in the face with an alaska trout. o-o

  9. AriButter makes me so happy. Oh how happy AriButter makes me feel.

  10. Well, just read your status on being accept. Congradz man, though what's really worth mentioning is, DAT HAIR. ALL PINK. AND. AND. SPIKEY! Looks steller man. ;)

  11. The shaaaaame! ;-;

  12. http://i.imgur.com/VfC1ZQf.jpg An amazing image I got from Zane. :3
  13. Father go to Riga bus station. Friendly salesman approach, "My friend! Buy brick, only 100 rubles!" Father run away before friendly salesman could give brick.

  14. fun lore for the fun lore gods

  15. Well womp. Ura killed the server. #UraIsTheNewLiri

  16. Worst. Lord Regent. Ever. It's official now! >:U

  17. I still can't believe Cakeman was banned. Dalek was offering some great and humerous RP. An interesting sight to see. Real shame to lose our Undead High Prophet. ;-;

  18. Well, best I take a much needed hiatus from LoTC. I'll hopefully be back eventually. Until then, I bid you adieu LoTC. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93096-the-mages-guild/#entry828947

  19. Rule Five: Thou shall praise the God of Voices with Old South smells. -Presents the commandment.- http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9793/pancakes.gif

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