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Status Replies posted by Almenodrim

  1. Say I were to attempt to become a druid again could i profess my self as the Blood Druid xD

  2. Say I were to attempt to become a druid again could i profess my self as the Blood Druid xD

  3. Curiousity may kill me, but is there a guesstimate when 3.0 will be released?

  4. In 3.0 there are plenty of trecharous mountains, why not do the same with a great big canyon, that would be interesting in my opinion :)

  5. We need more monsters in LOTC. We got dragons, but nothing else thats all interesting...

  6. Maybe there should be a group that deals strictly with ban reports and appeals :P

  7. Maybe there should be a group that deals strictly with ban reports and appeals :P

  8. Maybe there should be a group that deals strictly with ban reports and appeals :P

  9. Maybe there should be a group that deals strictly with ban reports and appeals :P

  10. Are we allied to play as Druid's Ents?

  11. Are we allied to play as Druid's Ents?

  12. Suggestions for nice texture packs?

  13. Suggestions for nice texture packs?

  14. been gone for awhile, what happened with wars?

  15. been gone for awhile, what happened with wars?

  16. Oh how I miss lotc, I hate having no Internet at my home

  17. Batman was awesome but made me sooooo angry

  18. Batman was awesome but made me sooooo angry

  19. If it bothers you to get close to a RP female and find out it's a OOC male, and then you grow to dislike RP with said person, would that mean your intentions earlier could've led to cybering? I mean you said perhaps more than a friend...Panda where are you! D:

  20. If it bothers you to get close to a RP female and find out it's a OOC male, and then you grow to dislike RP with said person, would that mean your intentions earlier could've led to cybering? I mean you said perhaps more than a friend...Panda where are you! D:

  21. I want every Skravian to send in minas lost, this pillage was horrible - _-

  22. I want every Skravian to send in minas lost, this pillage was horrible - _-

  23. Would you like some cheese with that wine? Should I call the WHAAAABULANCE!? Goddamnit, you guys had 30 people. How did you lose if you had 30 people against 12, even with meta (IF IT HAPPENED)?! I'd think you guys would restrain yourself, make a proper report to a GM? In my opinion you are just tarnishing Gauis's name, but that's me.

  24. Would you like some cheese with that wine? Should I call the WHAAAABULANCE!? Goddamnit, you guys had 30 people. How did you lose if you had 30 people against 12, even with meta (IF IT HAPPENED)?! I'd think you guys would restrain yourself, make a proper report to a GM? In my opinion you are just tarnishing Gauis's name, but that's me.

  25. Hmmm, I bet someone can answer this, what place is home of the Meta-Lords?

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