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About Thrain_Ironmail

  • Birthday 10/28/1998

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  1. So confused.. Banned from server for being "alt of banned character ~ cappy" and I can't find ban report or any information on why, I dont have an alternate character..

  2. MC Name:Thrain_Ironmail RP name:Thrain Age:24 Race:Dwarf Gender:Male Time Zone:+8:00/Western Australia Brief Description of your characters personality: Thrain is honorable and good in combat with any weapon. Biography:One glorious day a young dwarf was born. His Mother, Balyndis Ironmail and his Father, Thorin Ironmail, could not have been prouder of their small, kind and innocent child. Years flew by and Thrain loved helping his parents in their family sheep farm, in the small town of Ironmine. He spent his spare time jumping around and sneaking from place to place. Everyone in Ironmine loved the young dwarf who helped however he could. One afternoon Thrain was jumping on the barn’s roof when he saw his Father coming home with firewood. Thrain was about to call out when he saw three undead come out behind his Father. Thorin turns around and drops the wood. He draws his hatchet and heroically charges the three undead. A fierce battle ensued of which only one of the undead survives. Thorin’s last words as he notices his son were “Run, run as fast as you can.” Thrain stood up in tears, and then he noticed the whole town was under attack. A fierce explosion shook the earth. He looked to the crater where his house once was. He screamed in grief and shock and then ran, as fast as he could… Boris was an old dwarf. He was a cook in a dwarven mercenary camp. He sat stirring his pot when something stumbled out of the surrounding forest. The thing looked at him, sighed in relief and fell down. Boris went over to the figure, he realized it was a young dwarf; he turned it over and saw the face of a dwarf who had suffered the horrors of a raid. He picked up the prone form and looked at the dwarf’s face. It was the helpful young dwarf from Ironmine… Thrain grew up in the mercenary camp for then on. Years flew by. His life became the war against the undead of Aegis. He learnt to use and axe, sword and bow and became the leader of the mercenary band. Then the day of fleeing Aegis came. The undead had taken over most cities of Aegis. The people of Aegis were trapped with no-where to go except over the sea. The fighting was fierce as he and his mercenary group defended some refugees. The refugees ran towards the port cities. The mercenary group was gaining the upper hand when a large group of skeletons appeared on the road. It became a massacre. Dwarves fell left and right. Thrain ordered a retreat but he was the only one to escape. He fled towards the burning cities, boarded one of the remaining ships and sailed to Asulon… Why do you wish to join?: Thrain lost his parents at a young age. He wants to prevent the undead from damaging Asulon. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!):Thrain is good with most weapons. Preferably a bow and an axe. What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): Thrain prefers to fight with a bow (Skill: 15) and an axe (Skill: 15) Can your character build?: Yes, Thrain is good at building and mining. Any other special skills?: Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?:Yes, I will obey all the rules. Skin: http://img20.imagesh...ainironmail.png LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50271-thrains-fourth-server-application/page__p__382494__hl__%2Bthrain%26%2339%3Bs+%2Bfourth+%2Bserver+%2Bapplication__fromsearch__1#entry382494
  3. Hey spyb0y1

    Good luck with your Server Application.

    I post my Fabulous Fourth and Hopefully Final Server Application Tommorow.

  4. What is the proper format for a skin?

    1. Skippy


      Take screenshot of skin, upload it on ImageShack, copy and paste the forum code.

    2. Thrain_Ironmail
  5. Hey Everyone I was wondering if something has happened to the emails because I have tried resending validations and changing emails? Plz Help!

  6. Hey Everyone I was wondering if suomething has happened to the emails because I have tried resending validations and changing emails? Plz Help!

  7. Do you have to live in America to play Lord Of The Craft?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trouvo


      No i mostly play with austalians on the server lol

    3. Thrain_Ironmail
    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      In the Teutonic Order, during my tenure as Hochmeister, we had a very diverse playerbase with Fiji Indians, Hindis, Fins, Swedes, and Bosnians!

  8. arrrrgh! I've tried everything and nothing works. I cant even post anything! Please Help Me!

    1. Thrain_Ironmail


      I can't get the Re-Validation to work!

  9. I've tried clicking Resend Validtion baout 30 times and it hasnt work. What should I do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      Try making a new acc. Maybe you spelled your e-mail wrong.

    3. Brent


      What's this thing newbs have to do?

    4. Thrain_Ironmail
  10. What if you did not get an email for registration?

    1. Skippy


      Try re-sending it. If I'm correct, there's a little button called "Resend Validation."

    2. Thrain_Ironmail
  11. I'm going to http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/forum/28-application-submissions/ and down the bottom it says I cannot post new topics.

    1. ShadowoKing


      did you press add new topic?

    2. Brent


      You have register or somethimg with your email.

    3. Thrain_Ironmail


      I did not get an email.

  12. It says I cannot post new topics?

    1. Blundermore


      you are going on the specific part in applications called "Application submissions" not in the implemented or deined or accepted app areas though.

    2. Thrain_Ironmail


      I do not understand? Sorry.

    3. Thrain_Ironmail
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