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Lucky in unlucky

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  1. I moved to new house but my internet hasn't ready, I can't play minecraft ......I can only use the computer at school.

  2. hmm....server still down lol

  3. Yeah! I bought a house in Alras and no perms.....

    1. Lirinya


      Get the region owner to either add you or

      have the /modreq to add you.

  4. Hmm....hardly to see someone online in my timezone

  5. hey your from HK too? Are you in an ESF school or Local school?

  6. When I logged in, i found out that......my house set perms and i am not added in it...

  7. I will post my 5th application tmr, i am not brave enough to post it tonight(it is night already in Hong Kong)If this time i fail again, nice to meet you guys but still need to say goodbye.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wobbajack


      Don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine. Best of luck!

    3. Arkelos


      Judgement is coming, my stout little friend~

    4. Arkelos


      Judgement made~

  8. I am going to post my 5th application...my last hope........i just feel scared if i failed again

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Serah


      No, there isn't. So make your fifth and final application submission your best one ever. :P

    3. Lucky in unlucky

      Lucky in unlucky

      Admins just ask me make my application longer but mine is already longer than other accepted application :( I feel scared if my 5th one also dennied :(

    4. Lucky in unlucky

      Lucky in unlucky

      Most Active In:Denied Apps (4 posts)

      What should i say.........

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