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Status Updates posted by Viper3X

  1. Good night everyone! Tomorrow I begin work on the second LotC wallpaper. :)

  2. Check out the new trailer and news announcement!

  3. Mongol Kotan formed within the Subudai! Join the Subudai now if you want to have a great RP experience.

  4. Tired and ready to do some Photoshop'ing after a long day of outdoor work.

  5. New website BG up.

  6. Finally completing a bunch of Photoshop requests from various members. More to come! ~

  7. Happy Birthday NekoDanie and Tigergamer!

  8. Back from my weekend away. :)

  9. Leaving now, be back Sunday!

  10. Working on updating the Races of Asulon section of the History of Asulon page. Expect some new graphic designs up there soon!

  11. One down, fifteen more graphic requests to go.

  12. Hop on TS to join us in our GM Q&A!

  13. The Creative Cafe's start time has been changed to 7:30 PM EST rather than 6:00 PM due to the war. There are great prizes to be won!

  14. The Creative Cafe begins in 5 minutes! Enter to win awesome ingame prizes! Join us on Teamspeak for the fun!

  15. Event Team applications are being reviewed! The first wave will consist of denials only and then the next phase will see new members accepted onto the team.

  16. Hey there Pumpkin Eaters, I was curious, what program are you currently using to create your amazing banners, avatars, designs, etc? I would think Adobe Photoshop CS5, but with your talent, who knows!

  17. Thinks pumpkin_eaters should create a live stream of him in action.

  18. Congratulations regarding your new position, Hyperion. A rank well-deserved.

  19. I see, then I have not had a chance to meet your dryad. Perhaps we will encounter each other today.

  20. Working on something for you. We'll see how it turns out.

  21. Hey Freya ~

    Would it be possible for you to make some room in your message box? I think it is full. Thanks!

  22. Hey, did you receive my PM?

  23. It can be changed if needed. I haven't thought of a name yet. Any ideas? ~

  24. Villain app posted. :)

  25. Congratulations, Alan!

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