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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by seannie

  1. Oh ya, server is back up.

  2. Halfling is were it's at! Rping with Boiend :Dl

  3. ~~~~~~ ((OOC Information - Minecraft Name: seannie22 Age: Fourteen. Timezone: PST Villain Application (Optional): No I do not have a VA. Skype ((Option but recommended)): Yes I have skype, username is: seannie22 RP Information -)) *The writting is extremely messy and bad.* Full Name: Merek Brom Age: 26 Race: Human Gender: Male Profession: Swordsfighting, I can hold any type of swords except the Two handed swords. Not useful in close combats. -(99) A brief description about yourself: What is there to know about me? I'm some man down on his luck. But I learned some sword skill from some fellow who's dead a while back. Nothing but sword fighting all my life, but I always wanted to see what is out in that big blue watery place. I've never been on a big ship before but I learned how to tie knots and such from my old pa when I was just a little one. I sailed in one of the small fishing boats but not the big ones I see in city docks. Well that's mostly it not an interesting life I have maybe if I join the navy things will change. ~~~~~~
  4. Out of Character Information MC Name: seannie22 Age: I am fourteen. Time Zone: PST Do you have TeamSpeak?: [http://www.teamspeak3.com/] Skype? [seannie22] I have Skype not TS though In Character Information Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets?: Well, I don't really join Oren houses but I decided to give it an other try. I have seen the town of Ursakar and it looks nice and comfortable. Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy?: Yes, I have read the rules of the duchy. Name: Colthen Arthos Race: Human Age: Twenty-one Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made?: I will be fully committed to the Guivrets since I have no other commitments. What are your skills? [Give exact stats /stats in game]: I am mostly skilled with what I was taught from my brother and sister, which was the skill of Swords, almost all swords except the two handed great sword. Do you swear to abide by the oath? [Copy+Paste Here, but make sure you have read it.] I, Colthen Arthos, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep the Guivret family safe, to protect and support the Duchy, and to do my job to the best of my ability. I swear to protect the flag of The Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to the Guivrets.
  5. Oh hai dere. :3

  6. Good good, found three lotc members on world 13 for minez

  7. Cool, just had my house burnt down ....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy
    3. Minst


      No, RPly. And guess who's responsible? Goblins. Any Dwarves up for a bloodbath?

    4. seannie


      No, not in real life :P

      I should had stated that clearer.

  8. Is minecraft still messed up for others?

  9. -Will edit this soon- Edit: Can't join, sorry. Got stuck in some Rp stuff that wouldn't allow me from joining.
  10. So much to chose from the Steam Summer sale!

  11. *flys away on his jet pack "Nothing to do here"

  12. Whoa, I was going to say server up......I was beaten to it :P

  13. This was a very good read! Thanks for making it.
  14. Those lucky people that didn't log off yet.

    1. Matt1234567


      Is something wrong with Minecraft.net?

  15. Let's all talk about Arma2 DayZ while the server is down!

  16. seannie


    How do I take this off the guild page?
  17. Name - Sean Race ((With Subrace)) - Human, Northerner Age - I am eighteen years old. Where do you live and come from? - I don't have a house I wander from city to city. A couple of small sentences about yourself - I lived in a northern town in Aegis before the invasion happened. Me and my family than traveled to the ships that was on the way to Asulon. I then traveled around the city in Asulon. Why do you wish to join The Guardians - When I first got in Asulon I overheard people talk about a guild called "The Guardian" I always want to help people to have peace. I then traveled to Vendere to apply. What do you wish to achieve in this guild? What are your goals? - My goal is to grow old and be a renowned fighter and savior in your guild. Do you swear to protect the people and your brothers, with your very own life? - If it requires to sacrifice my self in order to save more guild brother, I would do it without hesitating and if I can help the people I will, even if I cant I will try any way. Do you swear an oath by Aeriel, that you will not break The Code of The Guardians? - I swear by Aeriel, that I will not brake The Code of the Guardians. Any useful skills that you can master? ((Post your skill points)) Since I'm new I only 50 in Swordsmanship and 8 in wrestling. Any other information that might come in handy - I want a safe place because I'm a new to this land.
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