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Status Replies posted by Narco

  1. Got this game called "Slender" . Basically every time I came across another page, I'd wish I didn't find it, because the "Enemy" appears more and more after each page you find.

  2. Got this game called "Slender" . Basically every time I came across another page, I'd wish I didn't find it, because the "Enemy" appears more and more after each page you find.

  3. For some reason, I want a zombie Apocalypse like Shawn of the Dead....

  4. What do /you/ think is the best location in LOTC?

  5. For some reason, I want a zombie Apocalypse like Shawn of the Dead....

  6. And so now , there is a House or Family named " Baratheon ". It was only a matter of time , I suppose.

  7. Batman was awesome but made me sooooo angry

  8. Tries to get help from LotC friends on skype, they end up talking about GoT parts.

  9. About to be a freshman in High School. Let the good times begin....

  10. What ever happened to #KONY2012 !

  11. We need someone to blame for the teamspeak outage.... I'm going with al' qaeda and religion. Who are you blaming?

  12. New laptop that makes it easy to play with great FPS?

  13. New laptop that makes it easy to play with great FPS?

  14. New Game of Thrones game trailer. Can nobody make a GoT game that doesn't look like rubbish?

  15. Server went down?

  16. Um... is it an awkward sign when you go into your room and your male cat is laying on your bed, showing off his genitils, (can't spell that) and looking up at you? ... I have to admit I'm a little creeped out.

  17. Thank you so much disney for screwing up every marvel character I love, I just hope you don't ruin Deadpool and turn it into another kids movie...

  18. Waiting to be implemented...exited!

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