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Status Replies posted by Narco

  1. I'm tired of all this bullshit. I think I'm gonna take a break for awhile until the staff and community shapes up, but mostly staff.

  2. Why must they sterilize the needles the use for lethal injection?

  3. Surfing LOTC at school, like a baus.

    1. Narco


      All the time, I go on the forums at school. Like right now. I am at school.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


    1. Narco


      Basically, unless you have photoshop or another photo editing software installed, it won't be possible.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. I need some fun facts about Cats...Please respond

    1. Narco


      Umm, yea... these will work for a school project. I guess.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. why is everyone getting snow already i want snow too :

  7. The grammar task force has bee created. God, help us all...

  8. I have taken a vow to now become the Grammar Nazi of LoTC. Watch your sentences people, or I'll be coming for you.

    1. Narco


      There should not be a space after your ellipses between "Starts" and "now".

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. I have taken a vow to now become the Grammar Nazi of LoTC. Watch your sentences people, or I'll be coming for you.

    1. Narco


      I believe that there is a single error in your status, sir.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. I changed my Avatar picture to one I like better then the sketchpad Slenderman.

  11. I have taken a vow to now become the Grammar Nazi of LoTC. Watch your sentences people, or I'll be coming for you.

    1. Narco


      Oh no now my family is in danger because of all of our run-on sentences we might be captured and punished by the grammar nazi oh no :3

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'm thinking of hosting a Creative Cafe soon. Who would be up to it?

    1. Narco


      A room on TS where people sing for general applause and "constructive" criticism. :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. LotC needs to have an indian Pow-Wow to relieve stress. Post a funny joke under this status to try and cheer people up.

    1. Narco


      This one's for Canadians, try and decypher this one...

      How do you kill a fox in Canada? Cut off one of its legs and make it run across the country.

      Seriously though that wasn't funny. Don't laugh.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Back in my days on this server, people would get GM ship because they actually contributed. Freya is the perfect example. She did so much for the server, her GM app was accepted after 3-7 hours (I can't remember). No one pointed fingers at her, accusing her of "Nepotism" or that the GM team was "biased". The reason the community accepted her and loved her from that day on until today is because she deserved it. I am not saying the recent promotions are bad, don't get m...

    1. Narco


      Final attempt:

      The people who have contributed to the server aren't always the most popular, the most famous, or the most loved. It' the people who truly care and have the knowledge and the will power to get things done.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Back in my days on this server, people would get GM ship because they actually contributed. Freya is the perfect example. She did so much for the server, her GM app was accepted after 3-7 hours (I can't remember). No one pointed fingers at her, accusing her of "Nepotism" or that the GM team was "biased". The reason the community accepted her and loved her from that day on until today is because she deserved it. I am not saying the recent promotions are bad, don't get m...

  16. Back in my days on this server, people would get GM ship because they actually contributed. Freya is the perfect example. She did so much for the server, her GM app was accepted after 3-7 hours (I can't remember). No one pointed fingers at her, accusing her of "Nepotism" or that the GM team was "biased". The reason the community accepted her and loved her from that day on until today is because she deserved it. I am not saying the recent promotions are bad, don't get m...

    1. Narco


      No... That cam out wrong. What I mean is that it isn't only the people who do huge things, like save the server or create huge lore.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Back in my days on this server, people would get GM ship because they actually contributed. Freya is the perfect example. She did so much for the server, her GM app was accepted after 3-7 hours (I can't remember). No one pointed fingers at her, accusing her of "Nepotism" or that the GM team was "biased". The reason the community accepted her and loved her from that day on until today is because she deserved it. I am not saying the recent promotions are bad, don't get m...

    1. Narco


      Yo Lym, I`m pretty sure that in order to have contributed to the server andéor the community you have to of done something " magnificent or mentionable". Helping players out, helping staff, being a good player and following rules, not to mention setting examples. It isn't always the hero .

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. School... sooo boring, at least i have a free period

  19. My application says it doesn't have any views, but it also says 3 people are reading it, is this happening to anyone else?

  20. Any canadians watching the grey cup right now?

  21. Nice to know my opinion isn't worth **** here.

    1. Narco


      Your opinion is respected by anyone and everyone who knows you, don't think it isn't.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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