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Status Updates posted by EmeraldStag

  1. "Makin' a bigger mess then Micheal Bay!"

  2. "One does not simply Make a quote."-EmeraldStag

  3. "The only water in the Forest, is the River."

  4. @_@ Math SOL retake tomorrow, god I hope I pass it, and that the grade comes back before the math exam

  5. @_@ so much rain....why can't it go away.

    1. Reader


      During this summer there has been Approximately 9 sunny days where I live..

    2. EmeraldStag


      I am sorry to hear that, I was only saying that because I fear for my sister and my brother going out in the rain and then get hit by lightning...I loves thems....I am sorry if I offended/hurt your feelings D:.

  6. * a smile appears on his lips* What if I were to tell you......I may try to bring in crystal-esc animals into Asulon?

    1. EmeraldStag


      Hmm.......The Emerald Infection.........sounds good to me~

    2. EmeraldStag


      Nahh kidding......something more along the lines of...I do not know >_<

  7. * continuously climbs up the stairs of fate and destiny*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      That is one awesome dog.

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *is at the top of the stairs*

    4. EmeraldStag


      False: The stairs go on to infinity.

  8. * flies off to go play SW:TOR in a galexy far far away*

    1. Taiga


      Never heard of this "galexy". Perhaps you mean "Galaxy"?

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      I think he was talking of a fish.

      A giant fish.

  9. * he walks one last time through his favorite thread, when the slasher appears* I still....don't know who you are." "Foolish child." The Slasher states as he drags a blade across his throat. Emerald falls, lieing in a pool of aqua green blood.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slic3man


      The Slasher is The Slasher. It is undeniable.

    3. Amethain


      And you're a slice, pity... A slash might have had more sucess finding a slasher.

    4. SteelTemplar
  10. * Is givin the new thundercats show a chance*

  11. * looks up at his old hat.* * It floats off his head, and a fancy light show happens emanating from the Old Hat. * Suddenly, the light explodes outward, particles of light hanging in the air.* *The particles then come back towards the center of the explosion, reforming into a shape.* *A Fancy Fedora emerges from yet another, but small, explosion of light.* *It lightly falls onto his head, Fancy as Fancy can get.*

    1. EmeraldStag


      CRAP. Wasted my post to just have a thread of mine locked >_<

    2. V0idsoldier


      I was the one after fancy fedora, then I was fancy fedora, now Im back to total top hat lol. They took it away for whatever reason.

  12. *calmly sits in multiple OFRP threads, waiting for someone to reply in at least one of them so that he doesn't feel he has waisted time waiting*

  13. *checks jimmies* .....okay, who has been rusltin' mah jimmies?

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *removes some while he isn't looking*

    2. Jchizz


      My bad bro.

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Not Panda! Panda was eating these amazing brownies!

  14. *completely forgot about the update for today*

    1. Pum!


      Wait, WHAT?!

    2. Pum!


      There's an update today??

    3. EmeraldStag


      Minecraft Vanilla Update.

  15. *doesn't give twohalfling sandwhiches about the debate*

  16. *finally gets an implied compliment on his picture* Score.

  17. *flails and twitches* it has been so long....why are you doing this to me, Patching? http://gyazo.com/f536e353d24e802b6ac3833104e7cb13

  18. *ignores all the people's blabbering about gibberish*

  19. *is a bit teary eyed from what he found out* Sniffles* I had just found out that the first minecraft server i was apart of, and one of my favorites, was recntly taken down due to being unable to pay to stay up....I need a little bit....as this had happened 10 days ago without my knowing( I will not say the server for risk of advertising)

  20. *is contemplating getting a job at a local Domino's Pizza that is literally down the road to which he could ride his bike to*

  21. *Le sigh* time to go make a post in the Halfling roleplay section, and do not worry, no deaths.

  22. *looks at lever placed on the bottom of a block* I forgot how to Minecraft.

  23. *Magic has been restored to the once depleted Emerald statue, giving it new life!* In serious doh, due to some problems, I was without many member abilities because of code side stuff. I don't understand it, I just know I wasn't able to do anything. Thank you again, Gemmy~

    1. tnoy23


      Thanks Gemmy!~ <3

  24. *megaultrasuperspecialawesomeWhoTheHellDoYouThinkIAmThisIsTheDrillThatWillPeirceTheHeavensdoubleultradekerinflamedbloodygoreaficationWeaponizationTaximacationI'mAWeezzerdFroxenAlchemeicimplosion Facepalms at the ban report on Gaius* wow, that was a really poorly made ban report.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      click on my profile, it is VERY LONG XD

    3. xmrsmoothx


      And a very poorly done kill.

    4. Lago


      It was legitimate.

  25. *Now has FTL* *Gives all his loves that Liri didn't to Akorta*

    1. Lirinya


      Hay gaaaaaaaaaaay.

    2. EmeraldStag


      I am also having to reinstall PS2....at least it is Winter Break. #StayUpAtNight

    3. EmeraldStag


      Liri, you just b'in geleh of our Bromance :P :3

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