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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. 'y did god make adam and eve n not adam and steve' Youtube.... You annoy me to a whole new level.

    1. Everman111


      Is your question about Adama and Eve a serious one or is it a quote/nonreligious question?

    2. Space


      No.... It's just a comment I saw on youtube, and I thought it was funny.

  2. Why was a status about minecraft not working taken away from the feed? I've had similar stuff happen, and am curious.

  3. Walking 5km with a mild concussion cause you were forgotten about:Priceless

  4. Generic status about my 15 year old life and depression in it.

  5. Where is the warclaim? I'm modreqing this BS.

  6. Server down for anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elrohir Sil'Siol
    3. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      NOT AGAIN! agh! All this time that I'm not spending on LOTC is terrible.

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Yup server be down find something else to do

  7. Welp, I got hit by a car well crossing the road on my bike. Only mild concussion, smeh. Cheers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      Nah, it's not serious. This is my new FB, and this is a status worthy thing. Just a huge goosebump, cause I wasn't wearing my helmet. And kinda dizzy when I walk.

    3. Space


      Also, I am so starved from attention IRL I must get it ANY way in LoTC. Jokes.

    4. Space


      -Sigh-... Barry's is of course 10 times worse. I'm not looking for attention, that was a hoke. I am just makeing a status. Thing of this as facebook; Would you inform people that you were hit by a car? Yes. I' find it immensly hurtful that you would take that type of measure against someone who you've had a disagreement with before.

  8. Lol I just got creative. Woot. But it was taken away.

  9. Anyone else ever just think... Why? Why try to brave the darkness?

  10. Odd... I can't log onto the server

  11. -Totally not taking a 3 day break from LoTC cause I'm mad about losing everything... I am going on a trip. TOTALLY

  12. >Get TPed to the middle of the Alrasian Arena>2 shot with all my stuff by a guy>LOLOLOLOLOLOL? I so mad....

    1. MediocreGamer


      Whelp, you couldn't of died a better way then going out on the Alrasian Sands.

  13. What about the Alrasian thingy event?

    1. EmeraldStag


      No-wait.....not my thing.


  14. Aparently there is 61 peopel on the server?

    1. -Max-


      It may be a regional thing again. For example, only people on the west coast can't log in.

  15. When do elves completely mature? Like, the equivilent of a 18 year old human?

    1. Ursolon


      I believe that is true, but their reproductive systems don't mature until they are around 115 for Females and 125 for males, I don't know this for a fact, correct me if I am wrong.

    2. Space


      Oh... So then it'd be 115. Sexual maturity.


  17. Anyone DC and not able to get back on?

  18. No... I just got that java error.

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