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Status Updates posted by Angel~

  1. What's going on with server~?

  2. Tisk Tisk Tisk , Nelo Why did you become a slave , Angel wanted to throw rocks at you when she came back...

  3. Mmm...1.4....Why must you be so fun...*looks at Jibuis's Comment* Sweat lord , Server update pwease!

  4. lol bored...Im wish I could up Angel's Age abit...

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      up it by one year each month.

  5. Angel Shall Take a Short break....Angel Need's to grow up...ANGEL SHALL LEAVE FOR SOME DAYS AND COME BACK TILL SHE'S older Rply :3

  6. I hate myself...CURIOUSITY I HATE YOU TO , I updated mc and now aparently I cant Re-do my old mod folder With Rei's Mini-map and MPM...

    1. Shadeleaf


      lol, give me a skype, I

      have a very nice modes

      over here, Ill just

      send them over

    2. Angel~


      Just Send it over in a PM , I Dont have Skype

  7. Server...why you stop my baby talk rp fun

  8. Server crashed due to excusive mob spawns xD

    1. Aiden


      Did someone spawn too many enderr dragons?

    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      I did on one server. 50 ender dragons later I lost OP.

  9. what just happened on the temp server..;-;

  10. Oh wtf....I went to relog now the temp server is down..?

  11. Server down..? o-o

    1. Blundermore


      server plugins being worked on. It'll be up soon

    2. Angel~
  12. Server up...-party time- :P

  13. -stares at the server list...- Come'on...

  14. Server reset's - Eh Im just happy i get to rp...

  15. lo -spawns on temp server- AAAAA -runs like hell...-

  16. Where...is the server ;-;

  17. *Sigh* Server..please be up tommorow...

    1. danic
    2. Angel~


      you make me sad...;-;

  18. :O Server is up 3/300 ...."not on the whitelist" fuu...;-;

    1. SteelTemplar


      Im getting the same thing

  19. Tiny...chat....wtf...

  20. Angel wants to play something...

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