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Status Updates posted by Pantheraleoking

  1. Misspelled my first tLotC status.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      tLotC = THE Lord of the craft

    3. Rhisereld


      Doesn't need a "the".

    4. Pantheraleoking


      All in all this doesn't matter. Just waiting to get word on my app, already thinking about a second one if I get denied :P

  2. Now I just need to wait to be White listed :D My adventure will begin soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy


      Just saw you arrive on the server. Welcome!

    3. JoakimVonAnka
    4. ScreamingDingo


      Congrats on the acceptance wolf-boy ;D

  3. HURR DURR IM A ORC I CAN KILL EVRYBODY CUZ IM 13 FEAT TALL... I hate orcs #orcsneedanerf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pantheraleoking


      He started to cry when

      I heard someone calling

      for help, said I needed a VA to help

      a man bleeding on the floor...

      Ragnar is bad... if not horrible

      at RP

    3. Swgrclan


      Keep your unnecessary and insulting opinions to yourself. I don't want to see them. If you want to whine about his RP, file a strike report.

    4. Pantheraleoking
  4. Is power gaming in anyway allowed?

    1. Aislin
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      Panther on your ban report use the right format or that ban will count for nothing

    3. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      How is it that you read the Server rules (Or so you stated in your App that you made), and yet you don't know if it is allowed?

  5. I love how each player is a master carpenter... Carpentry skill linked to lumberjack? YES PLEASE

    1. blindmind


      Everyone can also read and write, which was uncommon in a medieval setting like this. That said, I don't think a lot of people are going to give that up.

  6. I love it when people tell me what not to post on my status updates.

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Don't post that.

  7. I need some help. Anyone from the app team would be greatly appreciated.

  8. I think I slept for 5 days... some rp huh?

  9. Oh yah? I have 100 profile views"

  10. My skin is from AC so I made a little city on my creative world http://s596.photobucket.com/albums/tt41/loudemu/minecraft/

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