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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. Staying positive after a month of silence. Once again, here's my event team app: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/64591-actor-samoblivions-event-team-app/

  2. Alan Wake had the best soundtrack:

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Couldn't agree more. And then again, DAT GAME O_O ^^

  3. Thought I'd post the link to my ET app again. If you've ever RP'ed with me feel free to support it. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/64591-actor-samoblivions-event-team-app/

  4. With my laptop's death I'm unable to finish Sa'Rhakka's MPM skin or RP as Kaelin... Oh well, back to New Vegas.

  5. I've spent the better part of 2 weeks planning this... here it is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68521-from-ashes/

  6. Well, my computer has died. The power port seems to have a lose connection so I'll have to send it off for repair... oh well, I can still cause forum terror through my brother's laptop.

    1. Samoblivion


      That would be great... but I have a laptop, not a PC :P

    2. Samoblivion


      Might have to, actually. Serve's my Dad right for believing that Acer's were the 'best on the market'. So far the fan's failed (I use a cooling mat now) the power cable went bust, and now the power port's dead :/

  7. Come forth ye oppressed smallfolk and face down EmeraldStag, tyrant king of The You're Banned Game!

  8. Great marks on all my GCSEs. So chuffed :D

    1. mrgeriki


      what you got?

    2. Samoblivion


      2 A*'s, 6 A's and 3 B's :D

    3. mrgeriki


      wow nice congrats!!

  9. The reaction of the LOTC community to a certain piece of unapproved lore.
  10. The Spire seems like a brilliant event, but should it be used to end Asulon? Hell no.

    1. Raptorious


      End Asulon all you want. But Im nopt perma killing my character to a laser.

    2. Sargeblub


      You took the words out of my mouth, Raptor.

    3. Samoblivion



  11. *Watches last week's episode of Red vs. Blue again* Gah! Why, CT!? Why! *Cries in the corner*

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      IKR, I loved her Q.Q"

      after caboose ofc cuz he is just king

  12. Good luck to everyone in the UK getting their GCSE results tomorrow.

    1. Goliath



    2. Dargene


      Thanks, GOod luck to you too, I think i shall do good in everything apart from maths....

  13. *Writes lore legalising Ponies as a playable race, but keeps it hidden*

    1. Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      My name is Bambi, and I approve this lore.

    2. Bogrin


      I hate ponies

  14. Congrats on Old Hatship :D

  15. Welp, since my RP with Kaelin is in a bit of a dry spell I guess it's time to revive Sa'Rhakka. Are there any Kharajyr communities left or should I just have her hiding in forests?

    1. Izo (charles/Sealhorn)

      Izo (charles/Sealhorn)

      pretty certain they have a new island now

    2. Geo


      We live in a new home now.

    3. Kaiser


      Kha still around? Most are dead or gone or something

  16. The awkward moment on Dwarf Fortress when you think you've solved your happiness problems but realise that all the unhappy dwarves starved to death.

  17. Gah!! Damn you Dwarves and your tantrum spirals! Well, back to child killing and genocide...

    1. Pudclud
    2. danic



  18. *Plays on Dwarf Fortress and loses 100 dwarves to a goblin invasion* Well at least my housing issue is solved :3

  19. I just had a lot of FUN on Dwarf Fortress. Only DF fans will get what that means ;)

  20. Zippy one-line of the day: I hope you brought your wallet... because the rent in hell gets paid in advance!

  21. Ursakar seems to be pretty empty since I left. Shame really, it was a great little RP hub.

  22. Perhaps I should play my Kha alt for a while... not sure where she'd have ended up after the fall of the Kharajyr empire but I'll think of something.

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