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Everything posted by Megacomet

  1. MC Name: megacomet79 Desired Character’s Name: Takala'Chesmu Skype Username (Highly Recommended): You already have mine. Relation to Others in the Tribe (must have permission from existing character. This is optional): Blood-related to Takala'Sahkonteic and Takala'Ishbala Amount of time played each day: 1 - 2 hours on weekdays, innumerable hours on weekends. Time Zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
  2. [[ Sorry for the OOC, but I believe I was supposed to be added to a Qynian skype group? I haven't, so far. ]] EDIT: I was added to skype chat, everything's good now.
  3. A note is given by hand to the ambassador in Karik. The note is written on a wrinkled piece of parchment, seemingly torn out of a book. The writing on the note is in sloppy handwriting, and full of spelling and grammatical errors. It reads: Application ((MC Name: )) (( megacomet79 )) ((Skype: )) (( megacomet79 )) Name: "Me nai name be Hagrain Elaendor." Job: "I dun ave a job at te moe moment, but I was a fer farmer befere." Skills: "I can fram farm prety well, cause I grew up farmin since I were a wee lad. I can reed and write a little bit, but not too well. Stil takes me a bit of time te do tat." History: "I were born te a poor farmin family, wit too two older brotters. I spent a lot o my childood wit me mother, cause me pap 'n brothers were always out workin'. When I were old enouf, I got to go work wit me pap 'n brothers, out in te farms. I wanted te get pap's respect, like te older two, so I tried to work really her hard. O'er e few years, I did me best, 'n got me respect, but by t'en, I was alredy ol' enough to move out, and me old folks were old. Big brother said 'e would stay to take care of 'em, while middle brother 'n me went out te fin' jobs. Middle but brotter 'n me split up, and I got a job workin' te farms for some old fellah. 'e was nice 'n all, but I got fired 'cause of his cow sha mean jerk of a son." Why do you wish to join us? "I wanna join ye' guys cause I'm 'omeless 'n jobless, fer one t'ing. I wan' some place te call home, and people te call family. An' if ye' can let me stay, I can 'elp ye' prosper, as if ye' were me own blood." What clan do you wish to serve and why: "I wish t'e serve t'e sho chsek chosceba Chosekabe, 'cause there peaceful, like me, and good farmers, like me. I t'ink me skills be at better use wit' dem."
  4. That would be Viper3x, I'll make sure to bring this up.
  5. The idea is promising, but you need to follow the format for event proposals. The format is pinned in this subforum.
  6. ACCEPTED Yeah, I'm kidding about that. But seriously, this looks like it'll be a lot of fun.
  7. I liked this before, and I still like this now. I'll be sure to run this by Viper.
  8. It's a good concept so far. In its current stage, I don't really have much to say other than to expand on it as much as you can (which you probably know already), and that I would like to see this happen. Keep up the good work!
  9. I provide my full support, as this adds a lot of flavor to RP, and I cannot see any real downsides to it.
  10. I must say, you have put in a lot more work into this one. Would it be too much a bother if I asked for some lore regarding the "ancient conflict between Arux and Aenguls"? Speaking of lore, this will need to be accepted by a lore-master first, if you aren't already aware. Second, I would recommend that you decrease the scope of this event. Event proposals are highly encouraged to focus on specific groups, rather than the entire server. Perhaps Arux had (insert encounter here) with the ancient (insert race here), and wants revenge? The Dwarves or Orcs I feel would be more appropriate. As for the "battles", that also might need a warclaim, I believe. But, this event certainly can go through, if it has enough support and stuff.
  11. It's fine man, frankly I'm happy I haven't deterred you from trying at an event proposal again. Just take a look at some of the accepted ones, and feel free to run ideas by other people, and you'll be fine, as long as you put in a fair amount of effort. * Looks at avatar. Holy crap... I'm using that exact same skin... * Quickly looks for a new skin.
  12. For one thing, your proposal needs to follow the proper format, provided HERE, which it doesn't. Second, something on such a massive scale needs a LOT more detail and planning, not to mention at least as much lore, which you don't really provide. Also, you have to consult the leaders of The Holy Oren Empire (OOC of course), in order for this event to go through, as it is their empire. Sorry, but not only does this proposal not only fails to meet these requirements, but it also has little to no support so far.
  13. Yes! Can't wait to put this in my signature... once I'm off my iPhone and back on my computer.
  14. The play I can see working, as it could give some good RP, not to mention the history of the play would be good for new members. On the other hand, I don't quite see the necessity or connection of a sudden dragon attack. Maybe you could give some relevant RP reasoning for it? The event, honestly, would be perfectly fine without some large conflict.
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