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About Atraga

  • Birthday October 4

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  1. If any mods/admins could come help me on lotc ts as I can't log in, that'd be appreciated

  2. Thank you. Who am I to talk to, to become a pupil and whereabouts will this person be?
  3. 1)MC Name & RP Name: MC: Shmoopernator RP: Ceiron 2)Chosen Patron: Gazardiael: The Aengul of New Beginnings. 3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): To give Ceiron's life a purpose and a great one where he can do good all across the land and be known for it. 4)Race: Elf. 5)Flaws in Your Character: He can be quick to judge and is afraid of the darkness where the evil lurks. 6) How long have you been on the server: 2 weeks. Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation. 7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] I walk up to the shade slightly scared but I know it is what must be done. I unsheathe my sword walking up to the man and stand in front of him blocking the shade and then I turn to the evil mage. Ceiron: Leave this man be, if you want him you will have to get through me. Shade: Well, well, well. This is a rare case isn't it? (Cackles loudly) Ceiron: Yes it is. I turn to the man giving him a hard look and all I do is whisper to him "run." He takes a look at the shade just standing there and then back to me. He then realizes the great chance he has. He turns and sprints up the hill as fast as ever. Shade: Hey, get back here! The shade begins to move towards the hand taking out his staff but before he gets far I attempt to leap onto him. Forgetting I was there, he turns to see me running at him and knocks me back with his staff. Shade: Fool, Do you really think you can take me on! Ceiron: No, but he does. I point behind him trembling my face and i can see on the shades face that he is somewhat afraid to turn around. By this time the man is long gone and now it's my turn. The shade turns around to see nothing there and is slightly confused. While he was thinking about this i had ran up the hill away from where he can see me. I feel good for this and pat myself on the back, smiling. 8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. Astonished at this sight I move quickly to the child. Ceiron: Child, what are you doing here? Child: ((In a croaky, chilling voice he manages to say)) I was walking to my home and i got lost. I hand him my cape and put my arm around him to comfort him with the warmth of my body. Ceiron: Where a bouts is your home child? Child: In Alras. Ceiron: Why, I just came from Alras. It's just down that road! Come on, let us go! The young boy smiles at me as he stands up and we slowly walk down to Alras to find his home. 9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Ceiron takes a few steps back trying to keep his distance. Ceiron: I must say this is a very poor life choice you have made my friend. The bandit is confused as this is not the reaction he normally gets. Ceiron: Do you like what you do? Bandit: Well nay, but what choice do I have! Give me ya things! Ceiron: Sure but one thing first. Your life is a poor one and quite unrewarding I would think. This can be changed if you believe. Believe in god, love god, as god loves you whether you do or not. Your stance tells me you know what you are doing so perhaps you could be of good service to an army of some sort. Here’s a little something for you. I hand him a small brown sack containing minas and some bread. Bandit: Uh.. I isn’t sure what the say. Ceiron: Say nothing. I give him a warming smile and walk down the gravel road. I turn before our eyes cannot meet anymore and he is still standing there thinking of what to do. I wave at him and get back to my journey. 10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Ceiron: Do you not realize what he has done and what the other patrons have done to stop him. Iblees is evil my friend and I fear he is corrupting you. Person: Corrupting me? This is plain nonsense. He is obviously the best choice out of the lot. He will rule everything and everyone knows it! Ceiron: Do not say his name anymore. Come with me, I will teach you of the other patrons and hopefully you will have some sense. Come, we have much to discuss. There is still a crowd as the man is coming to me so I take his position. Ceiron: To all of you I hope you do not believe what has just been said. The one named… (hesitates) Iblees is evil. He will be the death of you now go back to what you were doing and forget this. Join another patron, a good one. 11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" Ceiron: A very good question. We are all sinners aren’t we? For that we will suffer. Person: Can’t he make it so we can’t sin? Ceiron: See, if he did this we would have no freedom, no choice of what we want to do and nobody would want that. You may suffer now but if you truly embrace god and believe in him later on in life you will be happy. Rewarded some say. Remember he loves you no matter what and sometimes your suffering caused by an evil one. I will not say his name but you understand don’t you? Person: Yes, I do now. Thank you very much; I will spread the knowledge you have given me.
  4. Out of Character: MC name: Shmoopernator. RP name: Ceiron. Race: Elven. Do you meet the basic Initiate requirements? Yes, i do. In Character: Your read the oath of the guard: I swear to abide by all the rules of Normandor and the Kingdom of Malinor. I swear to uphold the peace, justice and sanctity of the Elder Tree. I swear not to abuse my powers, to assist my brothers in arms and to conduct myself professionally. I swear to follow the chain of command and strive to prove myself to them. “As brothers in arms we strive to ensure the security and prosperity of our city. Harbingers of death to all who would oppose Her, paragons of justice to all who defy Her, protector of Her sanctity.” Signed: Ceiron. *The Sentinel asks you questions so he may ponder over your request to join the Guard, he beckons you to keep it brief* Question 1: What can you contribute to the Guard of Normandor? I can contribute a level of professionalism in all ways possible. As to my duties and jobs set for me i will get the job done to the best of my capability even though i may not be as skilled as others. ((22 swords, i joined last Sunday)) Also i hope to be a trusted friend by all. Question 2: Armoured persons approach our gates, they are open. You don’t know why they are here. What do you do? Before they get to the gates i close them incase they are people not welcome here. After this i would ask them who they are and what business they have hear. If they cannot answer my questions or have an unwelcoming answer to them i will simply tell them to leave and get back to my duties. Question 3: Where do you wish to progress in the Guard? I wish to progress far into the ranks, as far as i can. I will do my best and become one elf that is trusted by all in the guard.
  5. Name: Ceiron Mc Name: Shmoopernator Combat skills: Swordsmanship at level 22. I know this is low but i will be training fast and hard. My next skill is not a combat skill, i know but my farming is level 32 so I can supply some of the food for the crimson blades. I currently have 4 stacks of wheat and 3 stacks of seeds. By the way I joined LOTC today. Skin: < With my hood. < Without my hood.
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